To enable the traffic routing from Apache to AcuToWeb Gateway, use the following steps:
"ws_compression" : 1,
LoadModule proxy_module "{APACHEPATH}/modules/" LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module "{APACHEPATH}/modules/"
# HTTP <VirtualHost *:80> ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / http://{ip-gateway}:{webserver_port of gateway.toml}/ ProxyPassReverse / http://{ip-gateway}:{webserver_port of gateway.toml}/ </VirtualHost> # WebSocket <VirtualHost *:{The port used by the client to communicate to the gateway}> RequestHeader set Host "{ip-gateway}:{tcp_port of gateway.toml}" ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ws://{ip-gateway}:{tcp_port of gateway.toml}/ ProxyPassReverse / ws://{ip-gateway}:{tcp_port of gateway.toml}/ </VirtualHost>