Problem-solving on Linux

If AcuThin or AcuToWeb does not work in the container:

  1. While the container is still running, execute the following commands to list, stop, and remove the application container:
    podman ps -a
    podman stop container-id
    podman rm container-id
  2. Check the error output files in the SharedContainerDirectory for errors.
  3. If there are no obvious errors, you can run the application container interactively by executing, which runs the podman run command as follows:
    podman run \
       -it \
       --rm \
       --env "PATH=/opt/microfocus/extend/bin:$PATH" \
       --env "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/microfocus/extend/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" \
       --publish 5632:5632 \
       --publish 3000:3000 \
       --publish 8008:8008 \
       --name acu_app_interactive \
       --volume "$PWD/SharedContainerDirectory":"/SharedContainerDirectory" \

    Where all the options shown here are similar to and but without the -d and --entrypoint options and with the -it option. The -it option runs the application container interactively with a shell prompt.

    Be aware of whether you are at a host shell prompt or a container shell prompt. By default, the host shell prompt takes this form:

    By default, the container shell prompt takes this form:

  4. At the container command prompt, interactively run the commands that the --entrypoint option ran in or to help determine where the problem is.

    For example, for AcuRCL, change to AppContainerDirectory, and start AcuRCL in the foreground without an error file so you can see all the output:

    cd /AppContainerDirectory
     acurcl -start -c /AppContainerDirectory/acurcl_linux.cfg -l -t7 -f
  5. If something fails, then fix the problem and try it again.
  6. If AcuRCL is running in the foreground and waiting for input, try running tour and newftest with AcuThin again. Errors, if any, appear in the AcuRCL output in the container window.
  7. Fix any errors and try again.

If you have made any changes to files in AppContainerDirectory, you must create a new application image.

  1. If the application container is still running, execute the commands specified in step 1 above.
  2. List the images to get the ID of the application image:
    podman images
  3. Remove the application image:
    podman rmi image-id
  4. Make any changes, build the application image, and try again.