ECN-AW163 AcuToWeb Action when URL is closed

Defect Number: 18003

Product: AcuToWeb

Module: AcuToWeb

Machines Affected: All


When a program is closed, or when the Web site closes because of inactivity, the default action is to either display a blank page or to close the tab. You can now redirect this action to a URL using the new web.custom_return entry in the AcuToWeb configuration file.

You may specify more than oneweb.custom_return option to specify different redirects, each identified by a unique alias name.


"{default = | alias=}"redirect-URL"


Redirects any closed website to its corresponding redirect-URL, unless overridden for a specific alias.
The name of an alias that identifies the specified URL.
The URL to which the page is redirected.
Note: http:// or https:// is required to redirect externally. Otherwise, the redirect is assumed to be internal to AcuToWeb.


The following example redirects any closed website to "" except for MY_ALIAS, which is redirected to "".

default = ""

For additional details, see Gateway Configuration File Section Headers and Options in your AcuToWeb documentation.