ECN-AC103 Cancel button unresponsive on a RECEIVE statement with NO WAIT

Defect Number: 10008

Product: AcuConnect

Module: Thin Client

Machines Affected: All

Known Versions Affected: All


A problem using a RECEIVE statement specified with BEFORE TIME 0 or NO WAIT caused the Cancel button to become unresponsive during file I/O operations on the Thin Client. This has been fixed; however, to take advantage of this fix, you must set the FILE_IO_PROCESSES_MESSAGES runtime configuration variable to 1 (true) to ensure that key presses are available during file I/O operations.

  • Interactions between the Thin Client and the Runtime still incur a delay, meaning it can take two to three seconds for the button press to take effect when many file I/O requests are being processed.
  • Using the FILE_IO_PROCESSES_MESSAGES variable could cause a slight degradation in the performance of the program at certain times.