Local Configuration

You configure the AcuXDBC local server with a configuration file named acuxdbc.cfg. This configuration file is where you define the location of your COBOL data files and system catalog, file case instructions, and other important program functions.

You can create several different configuration files for different purposes. You can set ACUCOBOL specific configuration variables for the AcuXDBC environment in a configuration file called xdbc_env.cfg, which should also reside in the GENESIS_HOME directory. This file is not required.

Configuration files must reside in your AcuXDBC installation directory, specified by the GENESIS_HOME environment variable. You specify the exact name and path when setting up your DSNs on the client.

In an XDBC Local installation, acuxdbc.cfg is the only configuration file that is required.

For acuxdbc.cfg, you can use configuration variables from several key areas, as shown below. The DICTSOURCE and FILE_PREFIX variables are required. If you installed AcuXDBC in a non-default directory, you must modify the DICTSOURCE and FILE_PREFIX variables in the client configuration file or generate a new configuration file with the genxconf batch or shell script file, which is included in your distribution to make the generation of configuration files easier. This utility takes the format:

      genxconf [-d directory] [-c catalog] [-p prefix] [-n config_name]


-d   Specifies the directory name to use for the GENESIS_HOME environment variable
-c Specifies an optional directory name to use for the system catalog
-p Specifies a location (path) to your data files
-n Specifies a name for the configuration file that is created

This utility automatically generates an AcuXDBC configuration file that includes the required configuration variables. The variables are set to the values that you define. You can override these with command-line parameters.

You can also specify an alternate directory name for GENESIS_HOME and an alternate configuration file name. Most of the settings are read from a template, located in $(GENESIS_HOME)/sample/acuxdbc/acuxdbc.in. Use this to customize the generation settings.

This table lists the configuration variables available, along with their defaults and brief descriptions. For complete descriptions, including examples, follow the links.

General Setup Options

Variable Default Description
DICTSOURCE Install directory Location (path) of your system catalog
FILE_PREFIX Install directory Location (path) of your data files
Note: Enclose any values contains space(s) in quotation marks. If the value can contain multiple directories that contain spaces, enclose the entire entry in quotation marks.
FILE_SUFFIX None Extension of your data files

Advanced Options

Variable Default Description
FILE_CASE Default (Mixed) Indicates the file case of your data files
FILENAME_WILDCARD None Defines multi-company wildcards and their respective substitution characters
IGNORE_OWNER 0 Specifies whether you want the table owner to be included in a listing of tables
INVALID_NUMERIC_DATA Error Indicates how to treat non-numeric data in a numeric field
JULIAN_BASE_DATE 19000101 The base date for Julian date calculation
NULL_ALPHA_READ Null Defines how to read null alphanumeric data
NULL_ALPHA_WRITE Spaces Defines how to write null alphanumeric data
NULL_NUMERIC_READ 0 Defines how to read null numeric data
NULL_NUMERIC_WRITE 0 Defines how to write null numeric data
DATE_ZERO_VALUE YYYYMMDDHHmmsshh (Year/Month/Day/Hour/Minute/Second/Hundredths) When DATETIME = DATE_ZERO_VALUE, LOW-VALUES or all 0 are returned
DATE_NINE_VALUE YYYYMMDDHHmmsshh (Year/Month/Day/Hour/Minute/Second/Hundredths) When DATETIME = DATE_NINE_VALUE, HIGH-VALUES or all 9 are returned
DATE_NULL_VALUE YYYYMMDDHHmmsshh (Year/Month/Day/Hour/Minute/Second/Hundredths) DATETIME is SQL NULL, the value of the DATE_NULL_VALUE will be written to the COBOL data.
DATE_INVALID_VALUE YYYYMMDDHHmmsshh (Year/Month/Day/Hour/Minute/Second/Hundredths) When DATETIME = DATE_INVALID_VALUE, spaces will be written to the COBOL
READ_ONLY No Read/write status of data files

Vision Options

Variable Default Description
LOCKS_PER_FILE 10 The maximum number of record locks that can be held on a file when an SQL transaction has been issued
MAX_FILES 32 Maximum number of files that can be opened
MAX_LOCKS 32 The maximum number of record locks that can be held for all of the files together
V_BUFFERS 32 The number of indexed block buffers to allocate

Transaction Processing Options

Variable Default Description
LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 512 The maximum buffer size, in bytes, for the transaction log file
LOG_ENCRYPTION off Encrypts transaction log file
LOG_FILE none Name of transaction log file
LOG_DEVICE off Assumes that the log file is actually a device, rather than a file
LOGGING off Enables transaction logging
TEMP_DIR current directory Directory to be used for holding the temporary files generated by the transaction management system
TRANSACTIONS on Enables transaction processing in the AcuXDBC interface
TRANSACTION PROCESSING off Enables Vision's transaction processing support.

Logging Setup Options

Variable Default Description
DEBUG_LOGFILE None Name and location of the log file used for debugging
DEBUG_LOGLEVEL 0 The log level you desire for debugging
VISION_LOGGING_FILE vision_trace.log Sets name of the Vision log file
VISION_LOGGING_LEVEL 0 Initiates Vision logging/tracing