AcuToWeb Fixes

Product: AcuToWeb

Module: AcuToWeb

Machines Affected: All


The following issues have been fixed in this release. The numbers that follow each issue are the Support Case Number followed by the Defect number (in parentheses).

  • A problem that prevented ComboBox controls from justifying text to the right as in AcuThin has been fixed.

    02404832 (656067)

  • A problem that caused a mouse event to execute in a grid cell even when the grid was disabled and on another screen has been fixed.

    02404888 (656088)

  • Pressing Shift+Tab on a second screen sometimes put both screens side by side instead of tabbing backwards in the current screen. This has been fixed.

    02426849 (675002)

  • Adding a bitmap to a default button disabled the button as a default setting. This has been corrected.

    02429232 (675030)

  • A problem that caused AcuToWeb to erase one row on certain grids has been fixed.

    02433927 (676039)

  • Combo-box labels with text containing an ampersand (&) were rendered incorrectly. These now display correctly.

    02453059 (697020)

  • New versions of Safari on MacOS were incorrectly identified as mobile. This has been fixed.

    02452980 (697022)

  • Text in grid columns sometimes showed as truncated. This has been fixed.

    02416219 (668011)

  • Applying web.resize configuration options sometimes caused the mouse location to be inaccurate. This has been corrected.

    02420789 (671010 718022)

  • When the following code was included on a French machine:
                       TYPE IS MB-OK

    The button text appeared as OUI, which was incorrect. The button text now shows correctly as OK on French machines.

    02429045 (674033)

  • When the grid display property for a column was set to 0 (zero), an extra space sometimes appeared at the column location. This has been corrected.

    02498613 (712028)

  • Performance was slightly degraded between patch releases for AcuToWeb 10.4.1. This has been corrected in the current version.

    02514981 (718004)

  • Leading spaces were lost on an INQUIRE CELL-DATA after executing MODIFY grid CELL-DATA. This has been fixed.

    02517326 (720001)

  • When running AcuToWeb on Firefox with display settings greater than 100%, some screen items were misplaced. This has been fixed.

    02415643 (673001)

  • Data added to the MLEF was sometimes concatenated improperly after saving. This has been fixed.

    02516036 (719003)

  • The Windows Explorer sometimes opened erroneously in the background. This no longer occurs.

    02528353 (722015)

  • A problem that prevented grid data from being copied to the clipboard correctly has been fixed.

    00033182 (675040)

  • A problem with the vertical scroll bar on a grid sometimes caused data to disappear. This has been fixed.

    02620316 (829002)

  • W$MOUSE was inaccurate when web.resize was applied and scaled up. This has been fixed.

    02586677 (765010)

  • A problem that caused windows to be incorrectly sized when the browser size was larger than the web.resize value has been fixed.

    02519950 (720030)

  • A problem that prevented windows from correctly maximizing has been resolved.

    02527802 (722009)

  • A problem that occurred when sorting a grid using SORT-TYPE 9 has been fixed.

    02536525 (722065)

  • A problem that caused displayed screens to be cut off and also shifted the position of label names in subsequent screens has been fixed.

    02553706 (739011)