extend Release Notes

These release notes contain information that might not appear in the Help. Read them in their entirety before you install the product.

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Attention: ECN-4789, provided in many 10.5.0 Hot Fixes (listed below), has been removed from 10.5.1. If you installed one of these Hot Fixes, and have programs that use the grid control and especially gird controls that use the grid registry-key property, the values within that registry key are incorrect.
extend Release Hot Fixes


  • 881938
  • 894995
  • 923229
  • 898122
  • 959314
  • 953701
  • 940610
  • 940482
  • 975780

10.5.0 Patch Update 1

  • 987898
  • 964083
  • 975769
  • 27701
  • 27703
  • 27786
  • 27793
  • 27824
  • 27833
  • 27903
  • 28034
  • 28126
  • 28156


One of the core behaviors of the Grid control and moving columns inside a grid is that the runtime tracks and manages the movement of the columns. For example:

  1. Start with a grid that has column A (Col 1) and column B (Col 2).
  2. Move column A to the right of B using modify grid(1,2).

In this scenario, modify grid(1,2) modifies the cell directly below column A, which is the cell in position 2,2. Historically, this is the correct behavior, as the runtime is notified that the column has moved and then places the modify in the correct Col A column no matter where the column resides on the UI.

After updates provided for ECN-4789, the same scenario modifies the absolute cells, meaning that modify grid(1,2) cell-data always modifies cell (1,2) even though the column has moved. This affects the registry values.