C$CARG returns information about the actual parameter that corresponds to a formal parameter in the USING phrase in the Procedure Division header of a subprogram. This information identifies the type and length of the argument and, when the argument is numeric or numeric edited, the number of digits and scale factor for the argument.

Note: The -Cr compiler option is required for COMPUTATION/COMP usage data items to have the exected type (otherwise they are binary) and also to have a noninteger GIVING/RETURNING item.




A one-character alphanumeric data item into which the ASCII character Y is stored if C$CARG successfully identifies the argument named by argument-name; otherwise, the ASCII character N is stored in the data item.
The name of a Linkage Section data item named in the Procedure Division header USING list.
A ten-character group data item into which the desired information about the argument specified by argument-name is stored. A typical data description for argument-description is as follows:
   02 ARGUMENT-TYPE           PIC 9(2)  BINARY(2). 
   02 ARGUMENT-LENGTH         PIC 9(8)  BINARY(4). 
   02 ARGUMENT-SCALE          PIC S9(2) BINARY(2).

The argument-description group item will have the correct length only if ARGUMENT-TYPE, ARGUMENT-DIGIT-COUNT, and ARGUMENT-SCALE are allocated as two-byte binary and ARGUMENT-LENGTH is allocated as four-byte binary.

The fields in ARGUMENT-DESCRIPTION have the following meanings:

returns a number indicating the type of the argument data item. The values and meanings for data type numbers returned in this field are as follows:
Type Number Data Type Type Number Data Type
0 Numeric edited 16 Alphanumeric
1 Unsigned numeric DISPLAY 17 Alphanumeric (justified right)
2 Signed numeric DISPLAY separate 18 Alphabetic
3 Signed numeric DISPLAY 19 Alphabetic (justified right)
4 Signed numeric DISPLAY separate 20 Alphanumeric edited
5 Signed numeric DISPLAY 21 Alphabetic string edited
6 Signed numeric COMP with -Cr compiler option 22 Group (fixed length)
7 Unsigned numeric COMP with -Cr compiler option 23 Group (variable length)
8 Unsigned numeric PACKED-DECIMAL 26 Signed numeric COMP-5
9 Signed numeric PACKED-DECIMAL 27 Unsigned numeric COMP-5
10 Unsigned numeric COMP-6 32 OMITTED
11 Signed numeric BINARY    
12 Unsigned numeric BINARY    
Returns the number of character positions occupied by the argument data item.
Returns the number of digits defined in the PICTURE character-string for an argument that is a numeric or numeric edited data item as indicated by the ARGUMENT-TYPE field value; otherwise, the value zero is returned for nonnumeric data items. The digit count for a numeric or numeric edited data item does not include any positions defined by the PICTURE symbol P, which represents a scaling position.
Returns the power of 10 scale factor (that is, the position of the implied or actual decimal point) for an argument that is a numeric or numeric edited data item as indicated by the ARGUMENT-TYPE field value; otherwise, the value zero is returned for nonnumeric data items. If the PICTURE symbol P was used in the description of the data item, the absolute value of the ARGUMENT-SCALE value will exceed the ARGUMENT-DIGIT-COUNT value; in this case, a positive scale value indicates an integer with P scaling positions on the right of the PICTURE character-string and a negative scale value indicates a fraction with P scaling positions on the left of the PICTURE character-string.


If a calling program passes a called program two or more arguments that begin at the same location (either through redefinition, with reference modification, or because one is a group that contains the other), when the called program asks C$CARG for the parameter descriptions, it always receives that of the first actual argument passed that has the same location, regardless of the name specified in argument-name. In such cases, the C$DARG subprogram may be used to obtain the distinct descriptions by using argument-number.