Separately install, activate, and configure the Security Proxy

Or, you can install the Security Proxy server without the activation file, and later upload the security proxy activation file using the MSS Administrative Console. Then, use the Security Proxy Wizard to configure the Security Proxy server.

  1. Install.

    Run the MSS automated installer and check BOTH boxes – for Host Access Management and Security Server and the Security Proxy Server.

    [ ] Host Access Management and Security Server

    [ ] Security Proxy Server

    NOTE: if only the Security Proxy Server is checked, the MSS files are removed.

  2. Activate.

    Download the activation file for the Security Proxy Add-On, and note the download location.


  3. In the MSS Administrative Console, click Configure Settings - Product Activation.

  4. Click Activate New and browse to activation.security_proxy-12.6.0.jaw

  5. Click the file. The Security Proxy Add-On is installed and added to the Product list.

  6. Copy the security proxy activation file, into the /securityproxy/lib/modules directory on the machine where Security Proxy Server is installed.

    The Security Proxy is now installed and activated.

  7. Configure.

    Use the Security Proxy Wizard to configure settings and manage certificates. Then, you can configure sessions to use the Security Proxy.

    Follow the steps in Using the Security Proxy Server in the MSS Administrator Guide.

    In brief, you will:

    • Configure and Start the Security Proxy Server

    • Import the Security Proxy certificates

    • Create Secure Sessions

    • Assign Secure Sessions

    • Run Reports


MSS Administrator Guide: Using the Security Proxy Server