-- |>===========================================================================================================<|-- | |-- | ((>>--- Examples of various Terminal ID Manager database functions ---<<)) |-- | |-- | Lines beginning with "--" are comments; all others must be valid SQL for Terminal ID Manager. |-- | |-- |>===========================================================================================================<|-- |>===========================================================================================================<|-- | |-- | Do not modify or comment these statements - they obtain a connection to |-- | the Terminal ID Manager Derby database, called DerbyIDM. |-- | |-- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|SETSCHEMAIDM;-- |>===========================================================================================================<|-- | |-- | ((>>--- Example: Update one or more values of a pool definition ---<<)) |-- | |-- | Note: |-- | |-- | * 'heartbeatinterval' and 'commtimeoutinterval' represent a number of seconds. The Monitor IDs tab |-- | shows those values in minutes (seconds divided by 60). Since conversion of seconds to minutes |-- | rounds down during division, 119 seconds will show as 1 minute, while 120 will show as 2 minutes. |-- | |-- | If you set 'heartbeatinterval' to less than 60 seconds, a default minimum of |-- | 60 seconds will be established for that value. |-- | |-- | If you set 'commtimeoutinterval' to less than 180 seconds, a default minimum of |-- | 180 seconds will be established for that value. |-- | |-- | To allow 'heartbeatinterval' and 'commtimeoutinterval' for a pool to be controlled by the minutes |-- | values specified on the Monitor IDs tab fields of "Heartbeat interval" or |-- | 'Communication timeout interval', set the value on that pool field to -1. |-- | |-- | * When updating selectioncriteria on a pool definition, you must be certain that all IDs defined in |-- | that pool have valid values specified for the attributes that are listed in the 'selectioncriteria'. |-- | |-- | Example: if you change a selectioncriteria from '_SessType_SessName' to '_SessType_SessName_UserName',|-- | on the "PoolXYZ' pool, you must add valid values to the 'username' field of each ID in PoolXYZ. |-- | |-- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|-- display all the columns of the Pool tableSELECTpoolname,pooltype,selectioncriteria,heartbeatinterval,commtimeoutinterval,hold,update_tsFROMPool;-- update all pools with the same values for heartbeatinterval and commtimeoutintervalUPDATEPoolSETheartbeatinterval=65,commtimeoutinterval=960;-- update pools 'HostPortPool' and 'ClientIPAddrPool' with the same heartbeat and comm. timeout valuesUPDATEPoolSETheartbeatinterval=91,commtimeoutinterval=239WHEREpoolname='HostPortPool'orpoolname='ClientIPAddrPool';-- update pools 'UserNamePool' and '3270PoolTiny' to take the server default values for heartbeat and comm. timeout intervalsUPDATEPoolSETheartbeatinterval=-1,commtimeoutinterval=-1WHEREpoolname='UserNamePool'orpoolname='3270PoolTiny';-- update pool 'UsersPool' to remove the _UserName attribute from its '_SessType_SessName_UserName' selection criteria-- then remove the 'username' values from the IDs that are in pool 'UsersPool'UPDATEPoolSETselectioncriteria='_SessType_SessName'whereselectioncriteria='_SessType_SessName_UserName'andpoolname='UsersPool';UPDATEIDSETusername=nullwherepoolname='UsersPool';-- display the heartbeat and comm-timeout values for all poolsSELECTPOOLNAME,HEARTBEATINTERVAL,COMMTIMEOUTINTERVALFROMPOOL;-- |>===========================================================================================================<|-- | |-- | ((>>--- Example: Update one or more values of an ID definition ---<<)) |-- | |-- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|-- change the sessionname value on IDs for a particular userupdateIDsetSESSIONNAME='mySession'whereUSERNAME='userxyz'andPOOLNAME='somepool';-- add some IDs to an AssociationSetupdateIDsetSETNAME='myUTS'whereIDNAME='myUTSID1';updateIDsetSETNAME='myUTS'whereIDNAME='myUTSID2';updateIDsetSETNAME='myUTS'whereIDNAME='myUTSID3';-- |>===========================================================================================================<|-- | |-- | ((>>--- Example: Update one or more values of an AssociationSet definition ---<<)) |-- | |-- | Rename the name of an association set, and also rename the set reference to all the IDs in that set. |-- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|UPDATEASSOCIATIONSETsetSETNAME='UtsSet'whereSETNAME='myUTS';UPDATEIDsetSETNAME='UtsSet'whereSETNAME='myUTS';-- |>===========================================================================================================<|-- | Always the final statement - do not Modify or comment. This terminates the 'ij' command processor |-- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|EXIT;