SSL Example

This examples shows how to use the SI&C SSL API.

Before starting, please add <jacorb home>/bin to your PATH and <sic home>/examples/ssl/lib/ssl-example.jar to your CLASSPATH.

SSL-based Authentication

Running the Server

Change to <sic home>/examples/ssl and start the server by typing:
$> jaco -Dcustom.props=server.props IOR keystore.p12 foobar

The first argument to the server names the file where the server's IOR is written to. The second argument is the name of the keystore and the third one is the keystore password.

Running the Client

Change to <sic home>/examples/ssl and run the client by typing:
$> jaco -Dcustom.props=client.props IOR keystore.p12 foobar

The first argument to the client names the file where the server's IOR is written to. The second argument is the name of the keystore and the third one is the keystore password.

The call to the server should succeed and the client should print the following message:

Successfully called server object