25.6 Network Options

Network options are settings for security, performance, and connectivity, and enable you to specify:

  • Whether you want the system to compress workload data that is being transferred over the network.

    See Data Compression.

    Fast consumes the least CPU resources on the source but yields a lower compression ratio, Maximum consumes the most, but yields a higher compression ratio. Optimal, the middle ground, is the recommended option.

  • Whether to encrypt the data transferred from source to target.

    See Security and Privacy.

  • Whether you want to apply bandwidth throttling for the current migration job.

    See Bandwidth Throttling.

    To throttle this job’s bandwidth to a specified rate, select the Enable Bandwidth Throttling option, specify the required maximum value in Mbps, and optionally a time period during which to enforce the throttling. If specified, the from and to time values are based on the source workload’s system time.

    If no time interval is defined, bandwidth is throttled to the specified rate at all times by default. If time interval is defined and the migration job executes outside this interval, data is transferred at full speed.

  • Additional IP addresses for source workloads to enable communication in environments that use network address translation (NAT).

    For information on how to specify additional IP addresses for your PlateSpin Server, see Migrations Across Public and Private Networks through NAT.