5.2 How Workloads Consume Licenses

You purchase workload licenses for PlateSpin Transformation Manager in blocks, based on the number of workloads you plan to manage for all of your projects. A workload license is not required to configure users, projects, platforms, resources, and configuration settings. You can import and re-import workload data multiple times without consuming a license.

NOTE:PlateSpin Transformation Manager must be able to communicate across the public Internet with the Micro Focus License Server to confirm the availability of a license before it can be consumed. Processes that trigger a license to be consumed will fail if the License Server is not accessible at that time. An error message will identify the cause of the outage.

Each workload will consume an available license when you first modify its data after import. The edit can be an individual edit action or a bulk edit action. Acquiring the license can take several seconds, resulting in a delayed response for the first edit on a workload. If no license is available for the workload at that time, the save action fails. You cannot modify the transformation plan for an unlicensed workload.

For a bulk edit, each unlicensed workload in the pre-selected list consumes an available license. If there are insufficient licenses available, the license and edit actions fail for any subsequent unlicensed workloads in the list.

NOTE:If licenses are not available, notify the PTM System Administrator for PlateSpin Transformation Manager about the licenses you need.

When a license is consumed, the licenses remaining count decreases by one. If multiple license blocks are available, it modifies counts for the block with the next closest expiration date.

A consumed license never expires. Deleting a workload does not free the consumed license.