| Enumeration | Description |
 | AS400AuthorityOption | Specifies the authority level associated with a file that is transferred to the host. |
 | AS400CharSetOption | Specifies which character set to use for transfers to and from an AS/400. |
 | AS400ColumnSeperatorOption | Specifies valid character values to use as the column separator in 5250 terminal sessions. |
 | AS400DateFormatOption | Specifies the date format for selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of Date. |
 | AS400DateSeparatorOption | Specifies the character to use as a date separator in selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of Date. |
 | AS400DecimalSeparatorOption | Specifies a character to use as a decimal separator in selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of packed decimal or zoned decimal. |
 | AS400HostFileTypeOption | Specifies which type of host file to create (for AS/400 data transfer in 5250 sessions). |
 | AS400HostTPOption | Specifies which transation program to use. |
 | AS400NationalCharSetOption | Specifies which character set Reflection uses for character translations during AS/400 data transfers. |
 | AS400ObjectsOption | Specifies whether to tranfer data to a new member on the AS/400 or to an existing member, and whether the file that contains the member already exists. (5250 sessions only.) |
 | AS400OutputDestinationOption | Specifies whether host data should be received to a PC file or to your display. |
 | AS400ReceiveConversionOption | Specifies a conversion format for a file being received from an AS/400. |
 | AS400SendConversionOption | Specifies a conversion format for files received from an AS/400. |
 | AS400StatusLineOption | Defines valid values that control rendering of the status line in 5250 terminal sessions. |
 | AS400TimeFormatOption | Specifies the time format for selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of Time. |
 | AS400TimeSeparatorOption | Specifies the character to use as a time separator in selected fields having an AS/400 field type of Time. |
 | AS400TransportOption | Specifies the protocol to use. |
 | AS400WordWrapOption | Defines valid values for the 5250 word wrap feature. |
 | ColorModeOption | Specifies values for the color mode operation of 3270 terminal sessions. |
 | ConnectionStatus | Connection status. |
 | ContextMenuItemType | Specifies a type of context menu item |
 | ControlKeyCode | Defines the valid values for control keys. |
 | ConvertCrLfOption | Specifies whether carriage returns and line-feed characters at the end of lines are removed (when you send binary/ASCII files to the host) or added (when you receive these files). |
 | CopyDataDelimiterOption | Specifies options for the IbmScreen.CopyDataSeparation property |
 | CursorBlinkRateOption | Defines values that specify the speed at which the cursor blinks in the terminal window. |
 | CursorMovementStyleOption | Determines how the cursor moves between composed Thai characters. |
 | CursorShapeOption | Defines values that determine the cursor's appearance in the terminal window. |
 | CutFillCharacterOption | Defines cut/fill character values, which specify whether Cut and Clear actions replace characters with nulls or spaces. |
 | DbcsUnmappedCharOption | Defines valid values for DBCS unmapped characters. |
 | DbcsUserDefinedCharacterSourceOption | Specifies the location of DBCS user-defined character fonts. |
 | DefaultExistsActionOption | Defines the action that occurs with an IND$FILE transfer when the specified destination file already exists. |
 | DefaultTransferTypeOption | Specifies the default type for mainframe transfers. |
 | DefinedEventType | Specifies the host settings. |
 | ErrorStatus | Host session error statuses. |
 | FieldAttributes | Defines values that determine a field's attributes. |
 | FieldType | Defines valid field type values. |
 | FileExistsOption | Specifies which operation to perform when a file already exists. |
 | FilenameCase8Dot3Option | Specifies the filename appearance within the Transfer dialog box for files created in 16-bit applications. |
 | FileSystemOption | Defines valid values for specifying the file system. |
 | FileTransferRequestType | Specifies the transfer request file type. |
 | FileTransferTypeOption | Specifies the transfer protocol that Reflection will use. |
 | FindOption | Determines the direction in which to search for text on the screen. |
 | GetTextArea | Defines options that specify how to handle the screen data between Start Row/Col and End Row/Col. |
 | GetTextAttr | Describes the field types to return. |
 | GetTextFlags | Specifies formatting options. |
 | GetTextWrap | Specifies screen wrapping characteristics. |
 | GraphicsCrosshairColorOption | Defines valid values for the color of the graphics cross-hair cursor in a 3179G terminal session. |
 | GraphicsCursorShapeOption | Defines valid values for the shape of the graphics cursor in 3179G terminal sessions. |
 | GraphicsDeviceOption | Defines valid values for the type of graphics device Reflection emulates for 3179G terminal sessions. |
 | HostCodePageOption | Defines valid values for the host code page character set used for character translations. |
 | HostKeyboardTypeOption | Defines options that specify which keys can be used in numeric fields. |
 | HostSystem | Options for the host operating system for 3270 file transfer. |
 | HotspotsMouseButtonOption | Specifies options for mouse button to use when invoking hotspots |
 | HotspotStyleOption | Specifies options for how hotspots appear on the screen |
 | IbmTerminalAttributeOption | Identifies a host terminal attribute. |
 | IbmTerminalType | Defines the IBM Host/Terminal type. |
 | IDMAttributeOption | Defines criteria used to obtain a device name from the ID Management server. |
 | IndAllocUnitOption | Specifies the unit of disk space for your primary and secondary space allocations. |
 | INDFileTransferType | Specifies the default type for mainframe transfers. |
 | IndRecordFormatOption | Specifies the record format values for files created on the host by an IND$FILE transfer. |
 | IndStrucFieldSizeOption | Specifies whether Reflection uses the Write Structured Field protocol for IND$FILE transfers and determines the buffer size. |
 | InputFieldUnderlinesOption | Defines options that specify how Reflection underlines input fields on host screens. |
 | InputMapActionID | Actions that can be mapped to keyboard maps or mouse maps. |
 | InsertArenaOption | Defines options that specify the extent to which Reflection applies the logic for character insertion, as described for the terminal's InsertProtocol property. |
 | InsertProtocolOption | Defines options that specify what Reflection does when users attempt to insert a character. |
 | KeepAlivePacketsOption | Defines options that specify how Reflection periodically polls the host to determine if Telnet connections remain active during intervals when data is not sent to the host. |
 | KeyboardErrorResetOption | Defines options that specify how keyboard errors are processed. |
 | MacroDestinationOption | Indicates the location to which a macro is saved. |
 | MacroEnumerationOption | Indicates the source location of a macro. |
 | MouseClickCount | Number of single or double mouse clicks used for a Mouse Map mapping. |
 | MouseShapeOption | Defines options that specify the appearance of the mouse pointer in the terminal window. |
 | MouseWheelDirection | Mouse wheel scroll direction used for a Mouse Map mapping. |
 | OpenUrlActionLocationOption | Valid values for the second parameter to the openURLAction action. This determines where to open the URL specified in the first parameter. |
 | PasteLineBreakOption | Defines options for specifying which character is inserted as a line break when data containing a line break is copied from the Clipboard to a field on the terminal screen. |
 | PrintBackgroundOption | Options for specifying the background color to use when printing the terminal screen. |
 | PrintCharsPerInchOption | Options for specifying how many characters to print per inch. |
 | PrintDbcsHorzFontSizeOption | Options for specifying whether Reflection doubles the horizontal size of double-byte characters when it prints host screens or print jobs to make them more legible. |
 | PrintDbcsRotationAngleOption | Options for specifying whether to rotate characters 270 degrees when printing host print jobs or terminal screens. |
 | PrintDevicePaperSourceOption | Options for specifying the paper source on the host printer. |
 | PrinterOrientationOption | Options for specifying the default page orientation used to print host documents. |
 | PrintFileExistsActionOption | Options for specifying what Reflection does when you send a print job to an existing file. |
 | PrintOverstrikeOption | Options for specifying whether Reflection simulates bold printing by using offset overstrike printing. |
 | PrintPaperSizeOption | Options for specifying the paper size to use for the current default Windows printer. |
 | PrintPaperSourceOption | Options for specifying the paper source to use for the current default Windows printer. |
 | PrintScreenOption | Options for specifying how the PrintScreen method prints screen text. |
 | PrintSosiPresentationOption | Options for specifying how Reflection treats shift-out and shift-in (SO/SI) characters when printing host print jobs or terminal screens. |
 | PrintWhatOption | In 3179G terminal sessions, this setting specifies whether to print graphics only, text only, or both graphics and text when printing from the terminal window. |
 | PutTextModeOption | Defines valid options for configuring the PutText mode set by the IbmScreen PutTextMaskProtectedField property. This mode controls how the PutText method handles protected fields when placing a string of characters onto the host screen. |
 | RulerCursorTypeOption | Options for specifying the ruler cursor type. |
 | ScreenColor | Defines host screen colors specified by the host. |
 | SelectionMode | Specifies the type of a selected region (Stream or Block). |
 | TelnetAttnOption | Defines values that specify what happens when the ATTN host key is transmitted. |
 | TelnetEncryptionStrengthOption | Defines options for specifying the encryption strength for Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) datastream encryption. |
 | TelnetSysReqOption | Defines values that specify what happens when the SysReq function is transmitted. The definition of this key varies by host application. |
 | TerminalModel | Defines the options for terminal models. |
 | TextBlinkRateOption | Defines values that specify the blink rate for text displayed in the terminal window. |
 | TextComparisonOption | Defines options that indicate how text is compared against the text on the host screen. |
 | TLSSSLVersionOption | Specifies options for TLS and SSL versions |
 | TransferHostSysOption | Specifies which 3270 operating environment the host is running. |
 | XStatus | X-clock status. |