| Enumeration | Description |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | BaudRateOption | The number of distinct symbol changes made to the transmission medium, per second. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | CharacterAttributes | Character attributes for UNIX, OpenSystems, and ReGIS terminal sessions. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ConnectionStatisticOption | Specifies which statistics to return. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ConnectionTypeOption | Connection type option. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ContextMenuItemType | Specifies a type of context menu item |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ControlKeyCode | Defines the valid values for control keys. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | CopyDataFormats | Specifies the format in which data is copied for the Copy method. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | CopyFormatOption | Specifies the format in which data is to be copied for Clipboard copy-related functions. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | CopySourceOption | Specifies what is to be copied for Clipboard copy-related functions. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | CopyTableMethods | Specifies the method used to generate tabular data when copying tables. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | CursorShapeOption | Specifies the shape of the text cursor. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | DefaultHostSettingsOption | Specifies the host settings. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | DefinedEventType | Specifies the host settings. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | DestinationFileExistsOption | Specifies what happens with transfers from the File Transfer dialog box if the destination file already exists. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | DeviceAttributeResponseOption | Specifies the device attributes. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | DisplayMemorySelectionOption | Specifies which operation to perform when a file already exists. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | DisplayTextOption | Used with IScreen.DisplayText() to designate how data is to be displayed. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | FindOptions | Determines the direction to search for text on the screen. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | FTPClearConnectionOption | Specifies how logon information on the FTP tab of the File Transfer Setup dialog box is cleared (and not used to log in to new hosts). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | FTPServerOption | Options for specifying additional, non-default behavior for the FTPStartServer method |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | GraphicDestinationOption | Destination of graphic images. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | GraphicsLevelOption | Graphics level option. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | GraphicsPrintModeOption | Graphic print mode options. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | GraphicsTerminalTypeOption | Defines which terminal is emulated, and how many shades or colors are available. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | HostCharacterSetOption | Host character set. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | HostStatusLineOption | Host status line dislay options. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | HostSystemTypeOption | Options for specifying the type of host with which Reflection expects to interact. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | HotspotsMouseButtonOption | Specifies options for mouse button to use when invoking hotspots |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | HotspotStyleOption | Specifies options for how hotspots appear on the screen |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmBackspace | Indicates what the BACKSPACE key does in a IBM 3151 session. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmEnterKeyOption | Indicates what the Enter key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmInsertionOption | Indicates what the Insert key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmPrintCharactersOption | Indicates how characters print in a IBM 3151 emulation (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmprintLineTerminatorOption | Indicates which end line characters to use when printing in a IBM 3151 emulation (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmprintPageTerminatorOption | Indicates which end page character to use when printing in a IBM 3151 emulation (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmReceivedCROption | Indicates how a received carriage return is interpreted in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmReceivedLFOption | Indicates how a line feed is interpreted in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmReturnKeyOption | Indicates what the RETURN key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmSendKeyOption | Indicates what the SEND key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmTabKeyOption | Indicates what the TAB key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | IbmTurnAroundCharOption | The definition of the LineTurnAround (LTA) character for IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ImageDitherOption | Indicates the results when a 256-color image is pasted from the Clipboard to the Reflection Graphics terminal window. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | InputMapActionID | Actions that can be mapped to keyboard maps or mouse maps. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | JumpScrollSpeedOption | Denotes how Reflection manages data that enters display memory. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | KermitChecksumOption | Specifies the level of error checking used for Kermit file transfers. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | KermitStopServerOption | Options for whether the KermitStopServer method logs off from the remote computer, when it quits the server Kermit program |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | MacroDestinationOption | Indicates the location where macros are saved. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | MacroEnumerationOption | Indicates where the macro source is located. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ModemModeOption | |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | MouseClickCount | The number of clicks for a mouse mapping. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | MouseShapeOption | Defines options that specify the appearance of the mouse pointer in the terminal window. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | NationalReplacementSetOption | National character replacement set definitions. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | OpenUrlActionLocationOption | Valid values for the second parameter to the openURLAction action. This determines where the URL specified in the first parameter is opened. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ParityTypeOption | Type of Parity on the connection. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | PrintDuplexOption | Denotes how Reflection handles printing to single- and double-sided pages. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | PrinterOrientationOption | Denotes the printer page orientation to use. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | PrintGraphicsColorOption | Denotes whether graphics images are printed using color or black and white. It applies only when sending sixel data to the host or a Digital printer when BypassPrinterDriver is True. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | PrintGraphicsColorSpecificationOption | Denotes the color coordinate system used for color sixel printing. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | PrintSourceOption | Specifies the source of print data. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ProcessTraceOptions | Specifies how a trace is to be processed. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ProcessTraceSyntax | Specifies the syntax for the processsed trace. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ProjectOption | Defines the macro location. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ReadOption | Used with IScreen.ReadChars(), ReadLine(), and ReadUntil() families of methods. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ReceivePacingOption | Type of flow control for receiving data from the host. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | RegionOption | How a screen region is to be interpreted. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ResetOptions | Terminal reset option. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | RestoreOptions | Restore setting options. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | SaveFileOption | Specifies the operation to perform when a file already exists. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ScreenAnsiColor | Colors available to map for ANSI terminals. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ScreenColor | Color designation. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ScreenColorComponents | Specifies an RGB color component. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ScriptTypeOption | Specifies the type of script. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | ScrollOptimizationOption | Indicates when Reflection uses an off-screen bitmap to speed up scrolling. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | SelectionModeOption | Specifies the type of a selected region. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | SendKeysOption | Specifies data interpretation options for SendKeys() method. More than one option can be specified by adding them together. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | SingleByteUPSSOption | Defines the Digital UPS character set that is used when SET HOST-CHARACTER-SET is set to a double-byte character set. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | SpeakerOption | Specifies the speaker mode. The default is Dialing. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | SpeakerVolumeOption | Specifies the speaker volume. The default is Medium. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | StopBitsOption | The number of stop bits that follow each character during data transmission. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TAPIVersionOption | Defines which Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) Reflection uses to connect the PC to telephone services. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TektronixDefaultFontSizeOption | Indicates the default font size for Tektronix emulation. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TelnetEchoOption | Specifies the Telnet echo option. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TelnetLineModeOption | Specifies line mode use for Telnet connections. All options other than RFC are know as "faux" line mode. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TerminalSoundOption | Terminal sound option. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TerminalTypeOption | Defines the type of terminal to emulate. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TextColorMappingAttribute | Text attributes available for color mapping. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TextComparisonOption | Defines options that indicate how text is compared against the text on the host screen. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TextFileCharacterSetOption | |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TextTranslationOption | How or if text is translated. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TLSStrengthOption | Level of encryption |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TLSVersionOption | Specifies options for TLS and SSL versions |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TraceFileExistsOption | Specifies the operation to perform when a file already exists. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TraceFormatOption | Specifies the type of trace to perform. The default is TraceDefault. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TransferCaseOption | Specifies how letter case is handled in the names of files sent to the host. This affects WRQ/Reflection, Kermit, and Zmodem transfers, but not Xmodem transfers. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TransferLinkOption | Options for specifying the extent to which nonprinting ASCII characters are automatically converted to printing ASCII characters during file transfers. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TransferProtocolOption | Specifies the type of file being transferred. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TransferTypeOption | Specifies what type of file is being transferred. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TransmitFileOption | Specifies additional, non-default behavior for the FileTransfer.TransmitFile method. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TransmitPacingOption | The type of flow control to use for transmitting data to the host. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TVIAttributeBaseModeOption | Indicates how visual attributes are applied when Reflection emulates a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TVIBottomStatusLineOption | |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TVICompatibilityOption | Indicates the TVI emulation type Reflection uses when TerminalType is set to rcTVI955. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TVIDownKeySendsOption | Indicates the Down key function when Reflection emulates a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TVIFunctionKeySetOption | Indicates the function key set that is available to the keyboard when Reflection emulates a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TVIStatusLineAttributeOption | Indicates usage and display of the top status line when Reflection emulates a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | TVITopStatusLineOption | Specifies the usage and display of the top status line when Reflection is emulating a TVI terminal (TerminalType TVI955). |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | UseIPv6Option | Defines how Reflection communicates with a host using the IPv6 and older IPv4 protocols. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | VTBackspaceSendsOption | Indicates the key that is transmitted to the host when the user presses the BACKSPACE key. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | VTCursorKeyOption | Denotes whether the cursor keys are controlled by the host. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | VTKeyPadOption | Indicates which characters are transmitted by the numeric keypad keys. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WaitForOption | |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WRQCompressionOption | Options for specifying how file compression is handled. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WRQFastFileTransferOption | Options for specifying whether Reflection uses the fast file transfer feature. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WRQMPEFileNamesOption | Specifies which MPE operating system naming convention to use. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WyseAttributeOption | Indicates the Wyse terminal display attribute mode. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WyseBlockTerminatorOption | Indicates the end-of-transmission delimiter for block sends for Wyse terminal emulation sessions. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WyseEnterKeyOption | Indicates what is sent to the host when the ENTER key is pressed during a Wyse terminal emulation session. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WyseReceivedCROption | Indictates how a received carriage return (CR) is interpreted during a Wyse terminal emulation session. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WyseReturnKeyOption | Indictates what is sent to the host when the RETURN key is pressed during a Wyse terminal emulation session. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | WyseStatusLineDisplayOption | Indicates whether the Wyse status line at the top of the screen is set to Off, Standard, or Edit. |
![Enumeration](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Enumeration.png) | XModemErrorCheckingOption | Options for specifying the type of Xmodem error checking and the Xmodem packet size. |