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Configure Advanced Connection Settings Dialog Box for IBM 5250

How do I get to this dialog box?
  1. Open the Settings window.

    The steps depend on your user interface mode.

    User Interface Mode Steps
    Ribbon or Reflection Browser With a session open in Reflection, from the Quick Access Toolbar, click .
    TouchUx Tap the Gear icon and then select Document Settings.
  2. Under Host Connection, select Configure Advanced Connection Settings.

From this dialog box, you can define advanced TN5250 features.

Sign-on Options

Setting Description
Do not sign on automatically Select if you do not want to log on to the host as soon as you establish a connection. This is the default.
Automatically sign on using Windows credentials Select to log on to the host using your Windows user name and password. This option works in conjunction with IBM Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM), which must be configured on your host computer.
Automatically sign on using specified user ID and password Select to log on to the host using the specified user ID and password.

Connection Action

You can configure a session to run a macro, start an application, open a Web page, send an e-mail message, or perform a variety of other actions before or after it connects to the host.

Setting Description
Run a macro or other action before the initial connection Select to run the connection action after the session file is opened but before the session initially connects to a host. (This action is performed even if the session is not configured to connect automatically.)

When this option is enabled the Select Action window opens. Select an action to perform or a macro to run before you connect to the host. If you prefer to perform a different action when your session connects, you can select other actions from the task pane.
Run a macro or other action after the initial connection Select to run the connection action when the session initially connects to a host.

When this option is enabled the Select Action window opens. Select an action to perform or a macro to run after you connect to the host. If you prefer to perform a different action when your session connects, you can select other actions from the task pane.

Run when reconnecting will appear when the Run a macro or other action after the initial connection is selected. Select Run when reconnecting to run the connection action when the session initially connects to a host, and every time it reconnects to the host.

Keep Alive

Setting Description
Send Keep Alive packets Select to provide a constant check between your session and the host so that you become aware of connection problems as they occur. Choose one of the three types of keep-alive packets:
Choose To cause
System The TCP/IP stack to keep track of the host connection. This method requires less system resources than Send NOP Packets or Send Timing Mark Packets. However, most TCP/IP stacks send Keep Alive packets infrequently.
Send NOP Packets Reflection to periodically send a No Operation (NOP) command to the host. The host is not required to respond to these commands, but the TCP/IP stack can detect if there was a problem delivering the packet.
Send Timing Mark Packets Reflection to periodically send a Timing Mark Command to the host to determine if the connection is still active. The host should respond to these commands. If Reflection does not receive a response or there is an error sending the packet, it shuts down the connection.
Keep Alive timeout in seconds Select the interval between the keep-alive requests. The range of values is 1 to 9999 seconds; the default value is 600 seconds.

Telnet Location

Setting Description
Telnet location (Optional) Type up to 41 characters of descriptive text to provide information about your session. For example, you might include your PC's location, computer name, or IP address.

This feature uses the SEND-LOCATION option supported under Telnet connections (RFC779).

Reflection does not initiate a WILL SEND command unless you activate the Telnet location option by typing information in this box.


Short name

Select a HLLAPI short name to associate with this session. This value is used by a HLLAPI application to identify a host session. Any single capital letter (A-Z) can be used as a short name.

By default, Reflection Desktop assigns the first available letter as a HLLAPI Shortname (“A” if no other sessions are running). Automatically assigned short names are not preserved when the session is saved as these are only valid for the life of the host session.

If your HLLAPI application requires a specific short name value, specify this value, then save your session document. If you run multiple sessions, you must ensure that sessions running at the same time do not require the same HLLAPI short name.

If you want Reflection to generate new, arbitrary short name values for each new session, save all session documents with the HLLAPI short name set to A. Reflection will always set the HLLAPI short name to A for the first session, and will reset the short name to the next available letter for each subsequent session.

Long name

Enter a HLLAPI long name to associate with this session. A HLLAPI long name identifies the host session for the convenience of the user. It is not used by the HLLAPI application. The long name can be up to eight characters long and can include letters, numbers, and other characters.


If you are migrating from an Extra! or legacy Reflection product, and your application uses the default HLLAPI compatibility settings, simply select Reflection or Extra! from the Compatibility drop-down list. This configures the HLLAPI support in Reflection to match the default settings found in those applications.

If your application requires custom HLLAPI compatibility settings, select Custom from the Compatibility drop-down list. Once Custom is selected, you can enter a custom compatibility mask.


Because of variations in the implementation of HLLAPI in previous products, when HLLAPI applications from Extra! and from previous versions of Reflection are run against Reflection, they may not behave exactly as they did when run against the product for which they were originally written. Even when you have selected the correct compatibility setting, minor differences may be seen in the status or return code reported by a handful of functions.

Custom compatibility mask

The possible numeric values for the custom compatibility mask styles are "bit masks" that contain separate bits of information about Reflection's HLLAPI configuration. Each style is equated to a decimal and hexadecimal value. A list of the styles and values is shown in the table below.

To create a compatibility mask, add the decimal or hexadecimal values of each style and enter the sum into the Custom Compatibility Mask field. Values can be entered in either decimal or hexadecimal format; however, when using hexadecimal values, replace the 0x at the front of the value with &H. For example, to use hexadecimal value 0x5380, enter &H5380 in the Custom Compatibility Mask field.

For example, to turn on the Propagate EAB (decimal value = 1), Input Inhibited Position (decimal value = 8), and Don't Wrap at PS End (decimal value = 512), add these three numbers (1 + 8 + 512 = 521) and enter the total into the Compatibility Mask field.

Style Decimal Value Hex Value
Propagate EAB When this bit is on, executing a Copy Presentation Space or Copy Presentation Space to String function, with the EAB and NOXLATE session parameters, causes each extended attribute specified at the start of a field to be copied to all characters in the field that do not have the corresponding extended attribute explicitly on. When this bit is off, the attribute is not copied to such characters. This bit applies only to 3270 sessions. 1 0x0001
Query Host Update Protocol When this bit is on, Query Host Update functions report changes to the presentation space only if they are initiated by the host. When this bit is off, functions report changes initiated from the host or from the keyboard. 2 0x0002
Input Inhibited Position This bit determines the position of the "input inhibited" indicator in the string returned from Copy OIA. When it is on, the indicator appears at position 9. When it is off, the indicator appears at position 5. 4 0x0004
Copy PS to String Beyond End This bit determines what happens when the Copy Presentation Space to String function specifies a string that goes beyond the end of the presentation space. When it is on, no error is reported, the data from the position specified to the end of the presentation space is copied, and the remainder of the result string is set to binary zeros. When it is off, Reflection returns an error (APIPARAMETERERROR, value 2). 8 0x0008
Wait a Second When this bit is on, HLLAPI waits one second beyond the last host-initiated presentation space modification before attempting to return a result. When it is off, HLLAPI does not wait. This affects functions Copy OIA, Query Host Update, Copy Presentation Space to String, and Copy Presentation Space. 16 0x0010
Modify Protected Field When this bit is on, the Copy Presentation Space to String function can be used to copy to protected fields. When it is off, such copies are disallowed. 32 0x0020
Translate 5250 Attributes to 3270 When this bit is on, attributes copied by the HLLAPI application from the 5250 presentation space are translated to 3270 attributes. When it is off, Reflection returns 5250 attribute values (with the high order 2 bits on). 64 0x0040
Always Blank When this bit is on, data characters found in the presentation space (by Copy Presentation Space to String or Copy Presentation Space) that cannot be translated to ASCII are always translated to spaces. When it is off, the ATTRB setting is used to specify what should be done with such characters (if ATTRB is on, they are passed as their original value; if it is off, they are translated to spaces). 128 0x0080
Transmit Modified Protected Fields This bit is relevant when HLLAPI modification of protected fields is allowed (see Modify Protected Field). When it is on, the modified protected field is not sent to the host in response to a read modified command. When it is off, the modified protected field is sent. 256 0x0100
Don't Wrap at PS End This bit determines what happens if, on a copy from a string to the presentation space, the end of the presentation space is reached before the string is completely copied. If this bit is on, the operation terminates and returns an APITRUNCATED error. If it is off, copying continues at the beginning of the presentation space. 512 0x0200
Error on Bad Escape When this bit is on, undefined escape sequences passed to Send Key are reported by returning APIPARAMETERERROR. When it is off, such errors are ignored. 2048 0x0800
Terminate Send Key at AID The default behavior for Send Key is to divide strings to be sent into segments terminated by an AID key, and then to send these segments sequentially, reporting an error only if the emulator objects (through input inhibited or busy status). When this bit is on, HLLAPI terminates the send after the first such segment, reporting an error if Error on Send Key Past AID is on. When this bit is off, HLLAPI does not report an error under such circumstances. 4096 0x1000
Error on Send Key Past AID When this bit is on, the HLLAPI application reports an error if Send Key continues to send characters after a transmitted AID key. When it's off, the application does not report an error under such circumstances. 8192 0x2000
Return Zero Length Fields If this bit is set, Find Field Position (31) returns APIOK and position of next field (in the position parameter) for a zero length field. Otherwise, it returns APIZEROLENFIELD and a 0 in the position parameter. 16384 0x4000
Caching Off When set on, this bit disables the caching mechanism that increases performance. If you are having problems with your application synching with the Reflection screen, try turning on this bit. After enabling this bit, you may notice some degradation in HLLAPI performance. 32768 0x8000
Old Flashpoint Flashpoint versions 3.1 and earlier expect consecutive CopyPS calls to include or not include attributes regardless of how attributes are set. Turning on this bit makes HLLAPI accept this behavior. 65536 0x10000
DOS ASCII Converter This bit converts a HLLAPI character to DOS ASCII format. 131072 0x20000
Extra! OIA Values When this bit is on, the Copy OIA returns OIA buffer values that match the Extra! values instead of the default Reflection values. 262144 0x40000
Rumba Style The Reflection HLLAPI configuration matches the default settings found in Rumba. 297 0x0129
Extra! Style The Reflection HLLAPI configuration matches the default settings found in Extra!. 21380 0x5384

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