Reflection .NET API
Attachmate.Reflection Assembly / Attachmate.Reflection.Productivity Namespace / IAutoExpand Interface
Properties Methods Events

In This Topic
    IAutoExpand Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IAutoExpand.

    Public Properties
     PropertyReturns an enumerator of Auto Expand definitions defined for the session or null if no definitions exist.  
     PropertyGets or sets how to treat text that follows an expansion.  
     PropertyGets or sets whether to enable Auto Expand in the session.  
     PropertyGets or sets whether to wrap expanded text to ensuing input fields if it's too long to fit in the original field.  
     PropertyGets or sets whether to expand abbreviations on a case-sensitive basis.  
     PropertyGets the parent object (IProductivity).  
    Public Methods
     MethodAdds a key-value pair to the Auto Expand dictionary.  
     MethodDetermines whether a given entry exists in the Auto Expand dictionary.  
     MethodGets an expansion from a definition in the Auto Expand dictionary.  
     MethodRemoves all items from Auto Expand, resulting in an empty list.  
     MethodDeletes an Auto Expand dictionary entry.  
    Public Events
     EventRaised after a word has been expanded in the session.  
     EventRaised when an Auto Expand dictionary entry is added, edited, or removed.  
    See Also