You can enable the -Drx.glx.sgicompatible.sessions compatibility mode to allow GLX to work with older SGI clients. With this compatibility mode enabled, the following error is no longer displayed:
* X Error of failed request: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)
To enable the SGI compatibility mode for all sessions within X Manager
Add the following option to the ALP_JAVA_OPTIONS section in the rxmgr.alp file located in C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Reflection X Advantage.
where ALL is case insensitive
To enable the SGI compatibility mode for a specific set of sessions
Add -Drx.glx.sgicompatible.sessions option and apply it to specific sessions in the ALP_JAVA_OPTIONS section in the rxmgr.alp file located in C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Reflection X Advantage. For example:
-Drx.glx.sgicompatible.sessions=session1,session2,"session three"
NOTE:Session names containing spaces must be enclosed in double quotes(“”).
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