
Which Reflection X Features Should I install?

X Manager (standalone) is installed by default. If you plan on configuring a Reflection X domain, you need to install additional features. The following tables summarize some typical installation configurations.

  • You can install and use any combination of Reflection X features on a single computer. The following table provides guidelines, but you are not limited to these configurations. For example, you may want to install and run both X Manager (standalone) and X Manager for Domains on the same computer.

  • A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required for all Reflection X applications and services. On Linux systems this is always included as part of the installation. On Windows systems the JRE is listed as a separate feature in the installer. Include this feature with all installations unless you have installed and configured an alternate JRE.

  • The Template feature provides sample settings to help you get started. This feature is not required, but is recommended unless your administrator has customized your installation to provide custom settings for your environment.

Standalone mode Install these features
Standalone user workstation X Manager, Templates, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (on Windows)
Optional remote session service node Remote Session Services

Review these guidelines if you are planning to run in domain mode.

Domain mode Install these features
Domain user workstation X Manager for Domains, Templates, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (on Windows)
Domain administrator's workstation X Manager for Domains, X Administrative Console, Templates, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (on Windows)
Domain controller X Administrative Console, Domain Services, Domain Controller, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (on Windows)
Domain node Domain Services (without the domain controller), Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (on Windows)

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