Define the Structure and Base Date for YYYY Dates

The 'YYYY' Dates Date Structure specifies the structure to be used for COBOL data items that were associated with an eight-digit date transform when the catalog was designed, and the 'YYYY' Base Year constant specifies the base year used to interpret date values containing a four-digit year.

The eight-digit date transform is specified during catalog design when the structure of end-user COBOL dates, with four-digit years, varies for different end-user sites. Each end-user site can set this variable to the structure used in its files. The default structure is YYYYMMDD (a four-digit year, followed by a two-digit month of the year, followed by a two-digit day of the month).

The default base year is 0. The base year is added to a four-digit year value obtained from a COBOL data item when computing a column date value and is subtracted from the column date year value when computing a COBOL data item that contains a four-digit year.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Date Constants.

    The Date Constants tab is displayed.

  2. In the YYYY Dates section, in the Date Structure field, select one of the available structures:
  3. In the 'YYYY' Base Year field, enter a value (up to four digits) for the base year.
  4. Click Save to save the changes to the catalog.
    Tip: If you click Defaults, the structure reverts to YYYYMMDD, and the base year reverts to zero.