Establishing Table Instances

Relativity must know the physical access name information for the COBOL data file that contains the actual data. The table instance consists of two important items:
  • The path name (that is, the physical COBOL data file-name) of a COBOL data file.
  • The table name by which SQL statements can reference the data in the file.
Note: Should file labels be in effect, the table instance also includes the name of the file label associated with the table instance.

If you are using Micro Focus indexed files, you also need to specify the format of the data file; see Determining Micro Focus COBOL Indexed File Formats for more information.

Relativity distinguishes between the name of a table definition and the actual SQL table name. The table definition is manipulated in the Table form and is normally called a table within the Relativity Designer. Thus, several physical files that share the same COBOL file definition can be described by one Relativity table definition. The table instance is what an ODBC-enabled application actually "perceives" as a relational table.

Note: When a new table definition is added, a default table connection having a table name that is the same as the table definition name is created using the path name associated with the file definition, if there is one. When a table definition is renamed using the Rename command on the Table menu, an option is also provided to modify the table name in such a table connection.