General Options

The General tab contains options that enable the user to specify general behavior and contents of Relativity DBA.

The following table describes the options available on the General tab.

Option Description
Open Last Data Source on Startup When this tick-box is selected, Relativity DBA remembers the last data source that was open, and attempts to open it again the next time it starts.
Show Start Page on Startup When this tick-box is selected, the Start Page tab is open when you first open a data source.
Default maximum rows returned in Show Data Set the maximum number of rows that are returned when you preview table data. You can adjust this temporarily when previewing the data.
Automatically grant 'SELECT' access in granting other table/column privileges When this tick-box is selected, 'SELECT' access is automatically granted when granting other table/column privileges. When this tick-box is not selected, 'SELECT' access must be granted manually each time.
Save layout Relativity DBA remembers certain screen sizings and positions.
Transform reports exported to XML When this tick-box is selected, the specified .xslt file, located in the reports directory, is used to transform reports exported to XML format. (The default ReportToHtml.xslt file is supplied with Relativity DBA.)