Tools Menu Commands

The Tools menu of the Designer window contains the following commands.

Option Description
Start Page Displays the Start Page tab, which displays an introduction to Relativity, and quick links to some common tasks you may require. You can configure this page to display automatically when you open Designer; see the Options > General tab.
Options Display the Options tab, which is a collection of further tabs covering various preferences for the Designer. These settings become the default settings for the appropriate options. See Setting Options.
Custom Data Types Displays the Custom Data Types tab, which enables you to define custom SQL data types. See Defining User Data Types.
Date Constants Displays the Date Constants tab, which enables you to change the values of the following:
  • The four date constants, 'Days' Base Date, 'YYYY' Base Year, 'YY' Century Cutoff, and 'YY' Base Year.
  • The structure of two date constants ('YY' Dates and 'YYYY' Dates).
For more details, see Defining Date Constants.
Character Sets Displays the Character Sets tab, which lists the character sets in use in a Relativity data source. This tab also allows you to add both standard and nonstandard character sets to the current Relativity data source, and modify the character set associated with file definitions. See Maintaining Character Sets and Defining Nonstandard Character Sets.
Nullable Column Report Displays a list of all columns within the catalog that are marked as nullable. This helps when you are creating writable tables. See Using the Nullable Columns Report.
Merge from Another Relativity Data Source Displays the Data Source Importer tab (once you have successfully logged on to another database), which enables you to import file, table, and user data type definition objects from another database catalog. See Importing Definitions from Another Relativity Catalog.
Update FDs from Source Runs the COBOL FD Importer, which enables you to update the file definitions in a catalog if the source definitions have changed.
Delete/Repair Broken Metadata Opens the Catalog Cleaner to repair or delete broken metadata from an associated catalog. [12.20]
Relativity Admin Applet Runs the Relativity Admin utility, which enables you to set some system-wide options.
ODBC Control Panel Display the ODBC Data Source Administrator (32-bit) dialog box, where you can configure Relativity data sources.
ODBC Control Panel (64-bit) Display the ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit) dialog box, where you can configure Relativity data sources.
Theme Enables you to pick from a number of themes that can be applied to the look of the Designer window.