Catalog Options

The Catalog tab contains options that enable the user to specify the way in which the COBOL data file will be interpreted by Relativity.

The following table describes the options available on the Catalog page.

The effects of these options (excluding the Comment option) are determined by the Support FD options. Once checked, close and re-open catalog... option on the File Options page:

  • If Support FD... is unchecked, the following options apply to all FDs in the catalog.
  • If Support FD... is checked, the first 5 options can be set on each individual FD (from the FD's properties pane), and if the option is not set at the FD level, the value of the option on this page is used.
Option Description
Translate spaces as zeroes Translates space characters and binary zeros to zero characters in the data source.
Note: This option has no effect on data items that are either all or part of a key.

There are three possible states that may be selected for this option:

  • Never - returns an error when this condition is encountered. This is the default.
  • Yes, Except for Record Key Data Items - corrects the condition for all data items except for record keys, which will still return an error.
  • Always - corrects the condition in all instances.
    Note: Selecting the Always state will result in some numeric data items not being available to participate in SQL indexes.
Interpret unsigned numbers as positive Interprets numeric data not having explicitly correct negative sign values for the data type as positive (even though the data do not have explicitly correct positive sign values).
There are three possible states that may be selected for this option:
  • Never - returns an error when this condition is encountered. This is the default.
  • Yes, Except for Record Key Data Items - corrects the condition for all data items except for record keys, which will still return an error.
  • Always - corrects the condition in all instances.
    Note: Selecting the Always state will result in some numeric data items not being available to participate in SQL indexes.
Invalid Numerics Return NULL Returns a NULL value for any column based on a data item containing invalid numeric data.
There are three possible states that may be selected for this option:
  • Never - returns an error when this condition is encountered. This is the default.
  • Yes, Except for Record Key Data Items - corrects the condition for all data items except for record keys, which will still return an error.
  • Always - corrects the condition in all instances.
    Note: Selecting the Always state will result in some numeric data items not being available to participate in SQL indexes.
Invalid Dates Return NULL Returns a NULL value for any date or date/time column based on a data item containing invalid date ranges either because the underlying numeric data is invalid, or the month or day is out of range.
There are three possible states that may be selected for this option:
  • Never - returns an error when this condition is encountered. This is the default.
  • Yes, Except for Record Key Data Items - corrects the condition for all data items except for record keys, which will still return an error.
  • Always - corrects the condition in all instances.
    Note: Selecting the Always state will result in some numeric data items not being available to participate in SQL indexes.
Automated LogicalOrder Transform Indicates that a LogicalOrder column transform will be placed automatically on every text column of a data source.
There are three possible states that may be selected for this option:
  • Never - causes the LogicalOrder transform not to be placed automatically on every text column of a data source. This is the default.
  • Yes, Except for Record Key Data Items - applies the transform to all text columns except where it would result in the loss of an index on the table.
  • Always - causes the LogicalOrder transform to be placed automatically on every text column of a data source.
Comment This area is a free-format text field that will be stored inside the catalog. The Designer will display the comment on its Help About form, if there is a comment. One possible use for this text field would be catalog version information.