Opening an Existing Data Source

Note: You cannot open a data source if another user has it open in either Designer or DBA.
  1. Start the Designer.

    The Designer window opens.

    Note: When you start Designer, you are prompted to open the last opened data source. If you choose to open that data source, you do not need to follow the further instructions; if you do not choose to open the last data source, click Cancel and continue.
  2. On the File menu, select one of the following:
    • Connect to <data source last opened> - use this option to open the same data source as was opened in your last session.
    • Connect to Existing Data Source - use this option to open a data source that has already been configured.

      The Open Existing Data Source dialog box is displayed. (If you selected Connect to <data source last opened>, skip the next step.)

    Shortcut: Click the data source to the right of Recent DSN, select the required data source, then click Connect.
  3. On the Open Existing Data Source dialog box, click the data source currently shown, select the data source to open, and then click Connect.

    If the catalog associated with this data source has no security (that is, no group owner), the catalog is opened immediately; if this is the case, you are advised to add some privileges to the catalog - see Catalog Ownership and procedures on how to define catalog ownership.

    If the catalog has a group owner, the Database Logon dialog box is displayed.

  4. Complete the fields in the Database Logon dialog box, then click Connect:
    • UserId - the name of the owning group or the name of a user in the owner group.
    • Password - the group/user may not have a password set; if not, leave this field blank.

    The data source is opened, and you are connected to the catalog.