Error Handling |
All InstantSQL statements return a value in sql-Return (defined in the copy file lisqldef.cpy) indicating the status of the statement execution. This return code value would normally be set to 0 (Sql-OK) or, after an SQL FETCH ROW statement detects the end of the result set, 1 (Sql-EndOfData). Any other return code value indicates an error has occurred. The return code value gives an indication of the type of error. The copy file lisqldef.cpy associates a set of condition-names with sql-Return for the various return code values.
To retrieve further information, the SQL DESCRIBE ERROR statement can be used. Where the error was raised internally within InstantSQL, the type of error will be set to "I" and the message will contain a description of the error. Where the error was raised from an ODBC call, the type of error will be set to "O" and the full contents of the error returned from ODBC will be returned. It is possible that an InstantSQL statement will cause multiple error messages. Therefore, if the full information is required, SQL DESCRIBE ERROR should be repeatedly performed until the return code value sets Sql-EndOfData to true.
Return code values are generally ordered with less severe errors having lower values than more severe errors. During development of an application that uses InstantSQL, it can be helpful to configure DisplayErrorMessageLevel to a low number. This will cause InstantSQL to display an message box for each error that occurs where the return code value of the error is greater than or equal to the configured value. (See the topic InstantSQL Configuration for more information on configuring InstantSQL.)
Return code values are as follows:
Value |
Description |
sql-OK |
0 |
statement completed successfully.
However, there can be ODBC informational messages available to SQL DESCRIBE
sql-EndOfData |
1 |
SQL FETCH ROW statement has detected the end of the query result set; or, an
SQL DESCRIBE ERROR statement has reached the end of the stored errors for the
preceding statement. This return
value is informative and no error entry is added to the error array for
retrieval by the SQL DESCRIBE ERROR statement. ODBC
3 drivers may also return end of data when an SQL START QUERY statement
executes an SQL searched UPDATE or DELETE statement that
affects no rows in the data source. |
sqe-ODBCInfo |
1001 |
statement completed successully, but there are ODBC informational messages
available. This return code value
only occurs when the configuration option ReturnInfoErrorCode is set to
true. |
sqe-DataTruncation |
2001 |
statement resulted in data being truncated when transferring data between the
COBOL program and the data source. |
sqe-DataConvError |
2002 |
statement caused a data conversion error when transferring data between the
COBOL program and the data source. In
some cases, data conversion errors are caused by data truncation errors. |
sqe-LenIndConvError |
2003 |
statement caused a data conversion error when transferring the length indicator
value between the COBOL program and the data source. |
sqe-ConnectionFailed |
2004 |
SQL CONNECT DATASOURCE statement failed to connect to the data source because
the ODBC connection request failed.
This is usually the result of an incorrect data source name or
incorrect login information. The
specific cause should be explained by the ODBC errors in the error array for
the statement. |
sqe-QueryFailed |
2005 |
SQL PREPARE QUERY statement failed (probably because of an error in the supplied
SQL statement text string) or one of the browse queries failed (probably
because the ODBC driver does not support the catalog function necessary to do
the browse query). |
sqe-BadHandleValue |
2101 |
The supplied
input connection or query handle value does not correspond to a valid
connection or query. For connection
handles, this probably means the connection was not successfully completed or
has been subsequently disconnected.
For query handles, this probably means the query was not successful or
has been dropped. |
sqe-BadColumnNumberValue |
2102 |
supplied column number value does not correspond to a column in the query
result set. Result columns are
numbered left to right starting from 1.
The maximum column number is the number of columns in the query result
set. |
sqe-BadColumnNameValue |
2103 |
supplied column name value does not match any column name in the query result
set. If the configuration option
MatchNameCase is set to true, column names must match in case as well as
spelling. |
sqe-BadParamNumberValue |
2104 |
supplied parameter number value does not correspond to a parameter in the
query. Parameters are numbered from
left to right starting with 1. The
maximum parameter number is the number of parameter markers in the SQL
statement text string. |
sqe-BadSQLTypeValue |
2106 |
supplied SQL data type value is not supported by the data source. |
sqe-BadParamIOTypeValue |
2107 |
The supplied
parameter input-output type value is not sql-Input, sql-Output or sql-Input-Output. |
sqe-BadDateValue |
2108 |
supplied date value does not correspond to a date in the Gregorian calendar, contains
characters other than decimal digits, or is not an integer. |
sqe-BadTimeValue |
2109 |
supplied time value does not correspond to a valid time, contains characters
other than decimal digits, or is not an integer. |
sqe-BadTimestampValue |
2110 |
supplied timestamp value does not correspond to a valid timestamp. The date portion or the time portion of
the timestamp is incorrect, as described for the date (2108)and time (2109)
errors. |
sqe-ConnectionLimitHit |
2111 |
The program
has tried to connect to a data source when the maximum number of connections
has been reached. |
sqe-QueryLimitHit |
2112 |
program has tried to create a query when the maximum number of queries has
been reached. |
sqe-QueryNotStarted |
2120 |
SQL FETCH ROW statement has been executed for a query that has not yet been
started. This error will also occur
if the query has been started, but has subsequently been ended with an SQL
END QUERY statement that specifies the sql-Close
option and has not been re-started yet. |
sqe-NoRowFetched |
2121 |
SQL GET DATA statement has been executed when a row from the query result set
has not been successfully fetched with an SQL FETCH ROW statement. |
sqe-ParamNotBound |
2122 |
START QUERY statement has been executed when one or more parameters have not
yet been bound with the SQL BIND PARAMETER statement. |
sqe-SQLStringTooLarge |
2125 |
SQL CONSTRUCT QUERY statement has resulted in an SQL statement text string longer
than the COBOL data item supplied to receive the string. |
sqe-BadTxnIsolationValue |
2126 |
supplied transaction isolation value does not correspond to a valid
transaction isolation level. Valid
transaction isolation level values are sql-TXN-Read-Uncommitted, sql-TXN-Read-Committed, sql-TXN-Repeatable-Read, and sql-TXN-Serializable. |
sqe-BadConcurrencyValue |
2127 |
supplied cursor concurrency value does not correspond to a valid concurrency
value. Valid cursor concurrency
values are sql-Concur-Read-Only, sql-Concur-Lock, sql-Concur-RowVer, and sql-Concur-Values. |
sqe-BadEndQueryOptionValue |
2128 |
supplied end query option value does not correspond to a valid value. Valid end query option values are sql-Close and sql-Drop for
the SQL END QUERY and SQL PREPARE QUERY statements. The SQL PREPARE QUERY statement also allows the sql-None value to indicate taking no action on the query
after fetching the row. |
sqe-WrongNumberOfArgs |
2201 |
The number
of arguments provided for the statement does not agree with the number of
arguments expected for the statement. |
sqe-BadDataSourceArg |
2202 |
data source name argument in an SQL CONNECT DATASOURCE statement is numeric
(a nonnumeric value is required) or could not be converted to a valid data
source name, possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadUserNameArg |
2203 |
user name argument in an SQL CONNECT DATASOURCE or SQL SET USER statement is numeric
(a nonnumeric data item is required) or could not be converted to a valid
user name, possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadUserPasswordArg |
2204 |
user password argument in an SQL CONNECT DATASOURCE or SQL SET USER statement
is numeric (a nonnumeric data item is required) or could not be converted to
a valid user password, possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadConnectionHandleArg |
2205 |
connection handle argument in the statement is not a valid data item for
specifying a connection handle. The
argument data item is nonnumeric, has a nonzero scale, or has a precision of
less than six digits. |
sqe-BadQueryHandleArg |
2206 |
query handle argument in the statement is not a valid data item for
specifying a query handle. The
argument data item is nonnumeric, has a nonzero scale, or has a precision of
less than six digits. |
sqe-BadSQLStatementArg |
2207 |
SQL statement text string argument in an SQL CONSTRUCT QUERY or SQL PREPARE
QUERY statement is numeric (a nonnumeric data item is required). |
sqe-BadColumnNumberArg |
2208 |
column name or number argument is numeric, but could not be converted to an
integer column number value. |
sqe-BadColumnNameArg |
2209 |
A column
name or number argument is nonnumeric, but could not be converted to a column
name string |
sqe-BadParamNumberArg |
2210 |
parameter number argument is nonnumeric (a numeric integer is required) or
could not be converted to a parameter number value. |
sqe-BadLengthIndicatorArg |
2211 |
length indicator argument is not a signed numeric integer data item with at
least nine digits of precision as required |
sqe-BadParamSQLTypeArg |
2212 |
data type argument in an SQL BIND PARAMETER statement is not a numeric value,
as required, or a conversion error occurred while obtaining the data type
value. |
sqe-BadParamIOTypeArg |
2213 |
A parameter
input-output type argument in an SQL BIND PARAMETER statement is not a
numeric value, as required, or a conversion error occurred while obtaining
the data type value. |
sqe-BadTableNameArg |
2214 |
table name argument in an SQL QUERY COLUMNS or SQL QUERY INDEXES statement is
numeric (a nonnumeric value is required) or could not be converted to a table
name string, possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadProcedureNameArg |
2215 |
procedure name argument in an SQL QUERY PROCEDURES statement is numeric (a
nonnumeric value is required) or could not be converted to a procedure name
string, possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadDescGroupArg |
2218 |
output description group argument in one of the status inquiry statements is not
the correct length, or one of the correct lengths, for the statement in which
it is specified. |
sqe-BadConQryDirArg |
2219 |
directive in the SQL CONSTRUCT QUERY statement could not be interpreted. This error indicates an implementation
error in InstantSQL. |
sqe-BadDateArg |
2220 |
argument following the sql-DirDate directive in the SQL CONSTRUCT QUERY statement is
not a valid date value. A valid date
value must have either 8 digits for a YYYYMMDD date or 7 digits for a YYYYDDD
date. |
sqe-BadTimeArg |
2221 |
argument following the sql-DirTime directive in the SQL CONSTRUCT QUERY statement is
not a valid time value. A valid time
value must have 2, 4, 6 or 8 digits, representing time formats HH, HHmm,
HHmmSS, HHmmSScc, respectively. |
sqe-BadTimeStampArg |
2222 |
argument following the sql-DirTimestamp directive in the SQL CONSTRUCT QUERY statement is
not a valid timestamp value. A valid
timestamp value must be, at a minimum, a valid date value as described in
error 2220. Optionally, it may
include an appended valid time value as described in error 2221. |
sqe-BadTxnIsolationArg |
2223 |
transaction isolation argument in an SQL START TRANSACTION statement is nonnumeric
(a numeric value is required) or could not be converted to an integer,
possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadConcurrencyArg |
2224 |
cursor concurrency argument in an SQL PREPARE QUERY statement is nonnumeric
(a numeric value is required) or could not be converted to an integer,
possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadLoginTimeoutArg |
2225 |
login timeout argument in an SQL CONNECT DATASOURCE statement is nonnumeric
(a numeric value is required) or could not be converted to an integer,
possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadQueryTimeoutArg |
2226 |
query timeout argument in an SQL START QUERY statement is nonnumeric (a
numeric value is required) or could not be converted to an integer, possibly
because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadEndQueryOptionArg |
2227 |
supplied end query option argument in an SQL END QUERY or SQL PREPARE QUERY
statement is nonnumeric (a numeric value is required) or could not be converted
to an integer, possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadSeqNoArg |
2228 |
supplied sequence number argument in an SQL DESCRIBE ERROR statement is
nonnumeric (a numeric value is required) or could not be converted to an
integer, possibly because of data truncation. |
sqe-BadCatalogNameArg |
2229 |
supplied catalog name argument in a browse query statement is numeric (a
nonnumeric value is required) or is longer than the maximum length of a
catalog name. |
sqe-BadSchemaNameArg |
2230 |
supplied schema name argument in a browse query statement is numeric (a
nonnumeric value is required) or is longer than the maximum length of a
schema name. |
sqe-BadTableTypeArg |
2231 |
supplied table type argument in an SQL QUERY TABLES statement is numeric (a
nonnumeric value is required) or is longer than the maximum length of a table
type value list. |
sqe-BadDataTypeArg |
2232 |
supplied data type argument in an SQL QUERY TYPES statement is nonnumeric (a
numeric value is required) or could not be converted to an integer, possibly
because of data truncation. |
sqe-InternalError |
2301 |
error indicates a problem in the implementation of InstantSQL. |
sqe-COBOLAreaError |
2302 |
error indicates a problem in the implementation of InstantSQL and is a
special case of sqe-InternalError. |
sqe-LostErrors |
2304 |
statement generated more errors than InstantSQL supports for a single
statement will return descriptions of all the errors up to the limit and then
return this error description. |
sqe-CannotAllocateMemory |
2401 |
was unable to allocate necessary memory while executing a statement. |
sqe-UnexpectedODBCError |
2501 |
ODBC function used to implement the InstantSQL statement has returned an
unexpected error. |
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