The following information is available in more detail from the Windows Installer SDK. The most common options and parameters are presented here to enable you to easily organize and customize your deployment options.
Option | Parameters | Definition |
/i | {package|ProductCode} | Installs or configures a product. |
/a | package | Administrative installation option. |
/f |
[p][o][e][d][c][a][u][m][s][v]{package|ProductCode} |
Repairs a product. This option ignores any property values entered on the command line.
/x | {package|ProductCode} |
/L |
[i][w][e][a][r][u][c][m][p][v][+][!]logfile |
Specifies the path to the log file. The following flags are:
/p | PatchPackage | Applies a patch. To apply a patch to an installed administrative image you must combine options as follows:
/q | {n | b | r | f} | In conjunction with /i (install) or /x (uninstall), sets the user interface level.
Note: /qb+- is not a supported user interface level. The modal dialog box does not display if the user cancels the installation.