Multiple language scenarios

When running client sessions, users may need to view applications on an international host, require a different country keyboard map, or require the Web-to-Host client user interface in another language. This can be done by configuring the Host Character Set, Keyboard Mapping, and Client Locale options.

Different companies have different international language environments and require different display and/or printer configurations. As such, it is impossible to provide a single procedure. This section lists possible multi-language scenarios to help you determine how to best configure the options for your international language environment.

In the following table, the first column lists the multi-lingual option, the second lists language scenarios, and the third lists the suggested Web-to-Host settings.

Note: There are multiple keyboard listings because Web-to-Host provides several keyboard mapping options. For information on individual settings, see the Help associated with the page in the Session Configuration Manager.
Option If Then
Host language The host uses a language (codepage) other than English (United States). In the Host Character Set option, select the language of the host.
Keyboard All clients are localized on one language. In the Keyboard Map option, select the country keyboard map or specify the full path of the Custom Keyboard Map file.
Clients are localized on different languages as indicated by different regional settings (Control page) on the client workstations. Select Use Client Regional Settings from the Keyboard Map option

Keyboard Locale (default).

Each client uses the keyboard map based on its regional settings.

Users need or want control over their own keyboard maps. Enable end-user keyboard mapping. User-created keyboard maps override any country keyboard map specified in the Keyboard Map option.
Client user interface The client user interface uses a language other than English and you want Web-to-Host to use the same language. Select the appropriate language from the Client Locale option.
Note: Web-to-Host supports English, French, and German.

The following are some other multi-language environments and suggested configurations: