AS/400 File Transfer provides multiple options for transferring data between the AS/400 host and the PC. You can:
- Create, open, and save file transfer settings in a profile
- Run individual or multiple (batch) file transfers
- Transfer text or database files from the PC to the AS/400
- Use drag-and-drop to transfer host data to the PC display, the printer, or to a PC file
- Transfer complete host files to the PC or use SQL to transfer only the information you need
- Display libraries you can access on the host, and add libraries for the current file transfer session
- Specify decimal, date, and time formats for the transferred data
- Remove End-of-File (EOF) characters from host files before sending to the PC
- Specify transfer options such as
Run minimized,
Monitor percent complete,
Notify when complete,
Close when complete,
Truncate records,
Truncate spaces, and
Auto Run.
- Forward host files to an e-mail address