Using transforms

A transform modifies the base installation package file at installation time. The transform remains cached on the computer and is applied to the base installation package whenever the Windows Installer service performs a configuration change (including repair) on Rumba+.

Transforms increase the flexibility of Rumba+ installations by applying changes to the installation database without altering the original database. For example, in organizations where different departments require different installations of Rumba+, the base package can be made available to everyone at one administrative installation point, with the appropriate customizing transforms separately distributed to each group of users.

Transforms cannot be applied to an already installed application, only at initial installation.

You can perform a run-from-source (RFS) installation using transforms. This means that only a small subset of files is installed on the user workstation. The bulk of the product is run directly from a central location, such as a shared network drive. This approach minimizes local computer disk requirements but increases network load.

You should be proficient at using a transform authoring tool to make full use of a Rumba+ distribution.

We recommend that you use transforms carefully because they expose a great deal of functionality and detail. Because each installation customized by a transform is unique, Rocket Software might not be able to support customers using such installations.

Before you run an installation with a transform, you must:

This section describes how to create a transform using InstallShield and Orca.