Creating a transform using InstallShield

  1. Open InstallShield, then select File > New.

    The New Project dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Windows Installer tab.
  3. Select Transform, type a name in the Project Name field, such as MyTransform, then click Browse to find to select the location for the transform.
  4. ClickOK.

    The Open Transform Wizard wizard starts.

  5. Click Next.

    The Transform Information page appears.

  6. Click Browse next to the Base MSI File Name field and select the Rumba .msi file.
    Note: From Rumba 9.5, only Rumba .exe files are provided. To extract the .msi file from the .exe install package, run the following command:

    <absolute_path>\<Rumba_install_file>.exe /a [/v"[TARGETDIR=<path>] [/q[n|b|r|f]]"]

    for example:

    C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Rumba_Office.exe /a /v"TARGETDIR=C:\ExtractedRumbaFolder /qn"

    The Rumba.msi file is extracted to C:\ExtractedRumbaFolder.

  7. Click Next.

    The Additional Transforms page appears.

  8. Click Next.

    The Create a Response Transform page appears.

  9. Click Finish. MyTransform (Rumba.msi) is created.
  10. In InstallSheild, click the Installation Designer tab.
  11. Navigate to the Organization > Setup Design view.
  12. Create the transform. For example:
    1. Right-click the features tree in the Setup Design view and select New Feature from the pop-up menu.
    2. Call the new feature Transform.
    3. Right-click the Transform feature in the Setup Design view and select New Component from the pop-up menu.

      The created component is associated with the Transform feature by default.

      Note: If you create the component from the Components view, you must associate it to the Transform feature manually. To do this:
      1. Right-click the feature in the Setup Design view and select Associate Components from the pop-up menu.
      2. Select the created component.
      3. Click OK.
    4. Create a new registry key value for the transform to add to the Rumba.msi installation.
  13. Save the transform.