The following business rules apply during the export-update and import processes:
General Rules
- If a test row in Excel does not have a
TestID or a
Path, then it is considered to be a new test and is created in a new folder under the test container from which the import functionality
was executed.
- You can add existing TestIDs to update tests on update, and you can add existing SharedStepIDs to add new shared steps on
- New automated tests are not imported and updated.
- Inherited attribute values are not exported.
- If a test is moved to a different folder hierarchy in Excel, the move is ignored during update.
- If a test is missing in Excel (it was deleted), the test is not deleted during update.
- Import uses the
Path column for (new) folder names.
- You cannot use
A-Z as a customized column name. These are reserved for Excel's
A-Z, which can be used in mapping.
Shared Steps
- Are added for import and update.
- Are deleted and reordered for update.
- Will not be updated.
- If the Excel
SharedStepID does not exist in
Silk Central, an error is reported.
Data-Driven Tests
- Non-atomic data-driven child tests are not exported.
- All tests can be imported, but their data-driven properties cannot be exported to or imported from Excel.
- Update from Excel is only supported if the target folder does not contain data-driven tests.