Issue Manager SOAP API

Issue Manager 提供开放式 API(应用程序编程接口),允许从第三方应用程序访问 Issue Manager 存储库,例如提交缺陷。

WSDL 所基于的接口显示在下方。 此接口还包含这些方法的文档:

* A Project object has a ProjectID and a ProjectName. The ProjectID 
is used for all further methods
* for specifying the Issue Manager project you want to work on.
* @param sessionID
* @return Array of initialized Issue Manager projects available 
for the user used for generating the sessionID
* @throws SQLException

public Project[] getProjects(long sessionID) throws SQLException;

* @param sessionId
* @param projectID
* @return the names of the 3 issue types

public String[] getIssueTypes(long sessionId, int projectID) 
throws RemoteException, SQLException, LoginException;

* @param sessionId
* @param projectID
* @return Array of ProductNames that are configured for the 
provided Issue Manager project

public String[] getProducts(long sessionId, int projectID) 
throws RemoteException, SQLException, LoginException;

* @param sessionId
* @param projectID
* @param product
* @return Array of ReleaseNames that are configured for the 
provided product

public String[] getReleases(long sessionId, int projectID, 
String product) throws RemoteException, MissingValueException, 
SQLException, LoginException;

* @param sessionId
* @param projectID
* @return Array of available PlatformNames

public String[] getPlatforms(long sessionId, int projectID) throws 
RemoteException, SQLException, LoginException;

* @param sessionId
* @param projectID
* @param product
* @return Array of ComponentNames that are configured for the 
provided product

public String[] getComponents(long sessionId, int projectID,
String product) throws RemoteException, MissingValueException, 
SQLException, LoginException;

* The list of Severities can be grouped by IssueType or Product. 
If the list is grouped by IssueType the
* parameter issueType has to be provided and the product parameter 
can be empty. If the list is grouped by
* product issueType can be empty and the product has to be selected.
* @param sessionId
* @param projectID
* @param product
* @param issueType
* @return Array of values that can be used for entering an issue in 
the given project when the provided
* IssueType/Product is selected.

public String[] getSeverities(long sessionId, int projectID,String 
product,String issueType) throws RemoteException, 
MissingValueException, SQLException, LoginException, 


* @param sessionId
* @param projectID has to be a ProjectID delivered by 
the method getProjects
* @param issueType has to be a values delivered by 
the method getIssueTypes
* @param product has to be a values delivered by 
the method getProducts
* @param release has to be a values delivered by 
the method getReleases for the selected product
* @param platform has to be a values delivered by 
the method getPlatforms
* @param component has to be a values delivered by 
the method getComponents for the selected product
* @param severity has to be a values delivered by 
the method getSeverities for the selected projectID 
and IssueType/Product
* @param synopsis the Synopsis for the new issue
* @param description the Description for the new issue
* @return the Issue Number of the new issue

public int saveNewIssue(long sessionId, int projectID, 
String issueType, String product, String release, String 
platform, String component, String severity, String 
synopsis, String description) throws RemoteException, 
MissingValueException, NotExistingValueException, 
SQLException, LoginException;