Dashboard Panels

For most panels, you need to configure a project, as the panel will only show data for a certain project. You can add several panels to show appropriate data for other projects side-by-side, or configure <Use current project> for the panel to always display the data of the currently active project. Click (Configure) in the header of a panel to configure a different project. You need certain permissions to view or edit the content of the different panels.

You can add the following panels to your dashboard:

Panel Description
Assigned Issues This panel shows all issues (that are assigned to a test) of the selected project. If you click the external ID, the issue opens in the external issue tracking system.
Custom Information This panel shows customizable information about a certain project. Users with the Manage projects permission can add content like text, images or hyperlinks to the panel. Click Edit Content to open the HTML editor. Users without the Manage projects permission will just see the content. The panel can be used to show news, descriptions or any other kind of information relevant to the project.
Introduction This panel gives you a quick introduction to Silk Central. Click the links under What's New? to get additional information about the latest features of Silk Central. You can also join the Micro Focus Community or contact the Micro Focus SupportLine.
Issue Life Cycle This panel shows the number of Open, Fixed, Verified, Closed and Deferred issues for a defined issue tracking profile. Select a Product from the list. To define an issue tracking profile, click Issues in the menu, click Issue Tracking Integrations and click New Profile. The panel will only show data, if there is a profile defined.
Issues Created per Tester This panel shows the number of issues created by testers as a bar graph. When printed or downloaded as a PDF, the numbers will be shown in a table as well.
Manual Tests Assigned to Me

This panel shows all tests of the selected project that were assigned to you.

If the manual test execution is organized with the help of testing cycles, the list also includes all tests that are assigned to No specific tester on the Manual Execution Planning page. However, this is only true for testing cycles you are assigned to as a tester. It is a typical teamwork scenario that testers decide on their own which test to execute.

If the manual test execution is organized with the help of execution plans, the list also includes the tests from all execution plans that have no tester assigned.

Click (Continue Manual Test) to open the Manual Testing window.

Click (View Manual Test Results) to open the view and see all data and attachments about the test.

Click to get detailed information about the Test, the Execution Plan or the Execution Plan Parent.

Right click a test and click to download a manual test (in Excel format) to execute it offline (multiple tests can be selected with Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click). After you execute the test, click the Upload Offline Manual Test Results button to upload the results.

If you start a testing cycle (on the Manual Execution Planning page) before its start date, the tests of this testing cycle already display in the panel. You can make those tests invisible in the panel until the start date is reached: Click in the header of the panel and check Hide future testing cycles.

Offline Manual Testing Overview This panel shows the tests that are downloaded by testers and allows the Test Manager to abort offline executions to free the license.
Planned vs. Actual Execution Time This panel shows if the testers of a testing cycle are on schedule with the test execution. If the actually used time plus the remaining planned time is greater than the capacity, the testing cycle is on risk to be not finished on time.
Quality Goal Progress This panel shows a graph with two bars for each value of the selected quality goal. The upper bar shows the number of tests that must be executed to meet the quality goal. The lower bar shows the number of the Passed, Failed, Not Executed, and N/A (not available) tests with that quality goal value. If the lower bar is shorter than the upper bar, too few tests are assigned to execution plans. This means that the quality goal cannot be reached. Select a Quality Goal from the list.
Report Subscription This panel displays the results of a report subscription. The report subscription must already be defined and you need to select Provide for dashboard and external access from the Edit Subscription dialog box to make it available.
Requirements Coverage Status This panel shows the requirement coverage of the selected project, broken down into Passed, Failed, Not Executed, and Not Covered requirements. Click to go to the Requirements Document View.
Silk Performer Performance Trends The Silk Performer Performance Trends panel displays the current status of the selected Silk Performer load test and its available results, including trend information over the last runs.
Status of Currently Running Manual Tests This panel shows the status of all currently running manual tests in the specified project. Test managers are able to see which tests are currently blocked and they can monitor the status of already executed tests in running executions.
Testbook This panel shows you real-time updates about all activities that take place during manual testing. Activities that are logged in the Testbook are starting and finishing tests and editing running testing cycles. For more information, see Testbook.
Testing Cycle Progress This panel shows a burn-up chart of Passed, Failed, In Progress, and Not Executed tests for the defined testing cycle. It also shows the milestones (as diamonds), if you have specified any. Select a Testing Cycle from the list.
Testing Cycle Result Summary This panel shows the status of the selected testing cycle and the progress status of the individual testers that are assigned to the testing cycle. The bars show in the following order: the number of Tests failed, Tests remaining, and Tests passed. The tester with the most failed tests displays on the top of the list. The numbers to the right of the bars show the Tests completed (left number) and the Tests assigned (right number). No specific tester is treated and ordered like all other testers. Click to go to the Test Assignment view of the Manual Execution Planning page.
Testing Cycle Timeline This panel shows all testing cycles of the selected project as bars on a timeline. When you click on a bar, you are directed to the Manual Execution Planning page. The bars have different colors, depending on the current status of the testing cycle: blue (in progress), orange (not yet started), gray (finished). Move your mouse over the bars to get detailed information about the testing cycle.
Testing Progress Across Testing Cycles This panel shows the time in hours for the Planned tests (visualized by a line) and for the In Progress and the Completed tests (both visualized by stacked areas). The panel helps a test manager to predict if the testing team will be able to finish the tests in time. The start date of the chart is the start date of the first testing cycle. The end date of the chart is the end date of the last testing cycle. The panel does not show how long it actually took the testing team to execute the tests.
Volatile Tests This panel shows how often tests changed their status within an execution plan. Tests without status changes and test packages do not display in the panel. Tests display according to the selected project and time span. The panel makes test managers aware of such volatile tests, which indicate either an unstable test or a tested area where bugs occur frequently.