Choosing a Relational Database Management System

Install and setup Oracle or Microsoft’s SQL Server as described in your relational database management system (RDBMS) documentation.

Silk Central supports the following database management systems:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 2
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019
  • Oracle 11g (version Oracle RAC is not supported.
  • Oracle 12c (version Oracle RAC is not supported.
  • Oracle 19c (version Oracle RAC is not supported.

The following table describes the requirements for each database type.

RDBMS Have ready
  • Oracle tablespace.
  • Server host name and port number, or Single Client Access Name (SCAN). The default port is 1521.
  • Name of the Oracle instance ($ORACLE_SID).
  • Name and password of your Silk Central database user. The user must possess quotas and sufficient permissions.
Ask your Oracle administrator for assistance if necessary.
Note: Oracle does not create databases but rather schemes that are assigned to specific user names. Therefore, database names are not assigned to Oracle databases but instead to user names. Silk Central refers to such user names as database names.
Microsoft SQL Server
  • Server host name and port number.
  • MS SQL Server system user name and password.
  • Name for your Silk Central database.
  • Name and password of your Silk Central database user.
Note: Silk Central supports only Microsoft SQL Server servers that are set up to be case-insensitive and accent sensitive. Silk Central does not support changing the collation after the database was connected for the first time as this might cause collation conflicts. Do not use Microsoft SQL Server Express for production environments, because it has limited capabilities compared to a full database server installation.