Adding a Kubernetes Profile

  1. In the menu, click Administration > Execution Environment.
  2. Click the Cloud Providers tab.
  3. Click New Profile. The New Cloud Provider Profile dialog box appears.
  4. Select Kubernetes from the Type list.
  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the profile. This name will be displayed in the list of profiles when creating a cloud-hosted execution server.
  6. Kubeconfig File (Path on SC Host): Define the path of a Kubernetes configuration file, referred to as kubeconfig file in Kubernetes. This file has to be available on your Silk Central server - the default location is %userprofile%\.kube\config. If you use multiple front-end servers, the file must be available on each front-end server in the same location. A kubeconfig file organizes information about clusters, users, namespaces, and authentication mechanisms. Download the kubectl command-line client tool and refer to the Kubernetes documentation on how to prepare a kubeconfig file and on how to configure it with the kubectl config command. Test your configuration with the kubectl tool before using it in Silk Central.
  7. Kubernetes Namespace: The Kubernetes namespace in which Silk Central will create pods and services for virtual execution servers.
  8. Image Repository Path: A Docker repository path where the below specified images will be pulled from. This path is prepended to the image names defined below. Specify the repository in which you built your execution server image (for more information, see Kubernetes Integration). The Silk Central and execution server versions have to match exactly.
  9. Available Images (comma separated): A comma-separated list of images. Each image can be selected when creating a Kubernetes-based virtual execution server. Use the name you specified when building the image (<image>:<version>). If no version is specified, the latest version will be used (equivalent to <image>:latest).
  10. Image Pull Secret: The name of the locally configured secret token that holds the credentials to pull images.
  11. Container Startup Timeout (sec): When a pod is created with the specified image, Silk Central waits the specified time for the container to successfully start up within the pod. If the container cannot be started, the execution is terminated with an error.
  12. Keep instance alive on connection error: Select true if you want the instance to stay alive when the connection between the application server and the cloud instance breaks.
  13. Click Test to perform a test connection to the cloud provider with the information that you have entered.
  14. Click OK to save your settings.