Restricting Access to Database Tables

When submitting advanced reports with SQL queries like for example SELECT * FROM SCC_Roles, users with access to reports basically have unrestricted access to the information stored in the Performance Manager database. To restrict this access, you can configure which user roles may not access which database tables. If a user tries to create an advanced report using one of the restricted tables, an information message is displayed.

  1. Stop the front-end server.
  2. Open the SVFrontendBootConf.xml file with a text editor. This file is located in the /conf/frontendserver folder of the Performance Manager directory on the front-end server.
  3. Locate the <LockedTables> XML tag. The list within this tag specifies the prohibited database table(s) as comma separated list for each user role with access to the reports section:
    XML tag Restricted tables
    <SuperUser>SCC_Users,SCC_UserGroups,dual</SuperUser> Restricts the SuperUser role's access to the SCC_Users and SCC_UserGroups tables.
    <Reporter>SCC_Users,SCC_UserGroups,dual</Reporter> Restricts the Reporter role's access to the SCC_Users and SCC_UserGroups tables.
  4. Save and close the XML file.
  5. Re-start the front-end server.

