Enabling Persistent Result Data on the Execution Server

The following procedure needs to be performed on each execution server where you want to enable persistent result data storage.

To enable persistent result data on the execution server:

  1. Open the SccExecServerBootConf.xml file with a text editor. This file is located in the /conf/execserver folder of the Performance Manager directory on the execution server.
  2. Create the ResultBuffer XML tag in the SccPath section of the file if it does not yet exist.
  3. Specify the path to where result data shall be stored before it moves to the next stage in the data flow.
    You can specify a relative or an absolute path:
    Relative path example
    Creates a resultBuffer directory in the Application Data directory, which is normally at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Silk\Silk Performance Manager 19.5.
    Absolute path example
    Creates the directory as specified.

    Beneath the specified path, a subdirectory for each project is created to divide the number of files and therefore speed up the file system.

  4. Save and close the XML file.