Older result data for which you no longer need the full level of detail can be aggregated, thus saving space in the repository.
To reduce the repository size on the database server:
Stop the application server.
Open the
SccAppServerBootConf.xml file with a text editor.
The default path for this file is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Silk\Silk Performance Manager <version>/conf/appserver on the application server.
Locate the
<KeepOldData> XML tag.
Define the interval when
Monitoring Console should perform the data reduction process by setting the tag
<ScheduleDayPeriod>. Set the value to the number of days after which the data reduction process should be performed.
For example, to start removing old result files and aggregating old results every week, enter the following settings:
If you defined a weekly interval in the
<ScheduleDayPeriod> tag, define the starting day of the interval by setting the tag
<ScheduleDay> to the respective day of the week. Set the value to one the following numbers, depending on the day you want the process
to run:
For example, to start removing old result files and aggregating old results every week on Friday, enter the following settings:
If your interval in the
<ScheduleDayPeriod> tag is not set to
7 (weekly), set the
<ScheduleDay> value to
Setting the
<ScheduleDay> value to a higher value than the one specified in the
<ScheduleDayPeriod> tag will disable the data reduction process.
Define a time of the day when
Monitoring Console should perform the data reduction process by setting the hour and minutes in the tags
<ScheduleTimeHour> and
<ScheduleTimeMinute>. Set the hour within an interval of 0 to 23 and the minutes within an interval of 0 to 59.
Note: This time has to be specified in the local time zone of the application server. When the local time zone of the application
server is changed, this only takes effect after a restart of the application server. This is also the case when daylight saving
time changes.
For example, to start removing old result files and aggregating old results at 1:15 AM, enter the following settings:
Define how
Monitoring Console should remove old result data by setting the tags
<I10080min>, and
These settings allow you to define how far in the past old results must be before they get removed. Enter a value in days,
or enter 0 (zero) if you do not want
Monitoring Console to remove old data.
Note: Aggregated values remain in the repository. Data aggregation is a background job that consistently aggregates data as it qualifies.
The following table displays a few examples on the usage of the settings:
What this does
Removes raw values for data older than 31 days.
Removes 15 minute interval values for data older than half a year.
Removes 1 hour interval values for data older than one year.
Removes 1 day interval values for data older than two years.
Removes 1 week interval values for data older than 3 years.
Removes incidents that are older than 35 days.
Define the maximum amount of space that result files, like TrueLog files, .wrt files, and others, may take up in the repository
in Megabytes.
Once this size is reached, the oldest result files will be removed as newer files enter the repository. Thus the amount of
space that result files use will grow up to this setting and then remain at that setting. To set the result file size, enter
a number in Megabytes in the
<ResultFileSize> tag. The default setting is 10000 Megabytes.
For example, to limit the space allocated to result files in the repository to 5 GB:
<ProjectHealthUpdate> tag defines whether project health should be re-calculated after deleting a monitor.
By default, the history of the project health is not being re-calculated after deleting a monitor. This guarantees that database
performance is consistent. However, if you want to have the historical project health data be re-calculated to reflect the
missing monitor, you can turn this on in the
SvAppServerHomeConf.xml file. Be aware that if you turn this on, the database takes a severe performance hit every time a monitor is being deleted. To turn on re-calculation, set
<ProjectHealthUpdate>true</ProjectHealthUpdate> (not recommended).
Save and close the XML file.
Restart the application server.