Configuring Automatic Monitor Deployment

Set whether to re-deploy monitors to all execution servers on application server service restart.

Monitor deployment on execution servers usually does not need to be performed upon every restart of the application server service. You will only want to turn this setting on if execution servers experience an inconsistency with their assigned monitors. Depending on the amount of monitors, an automatic re-deployment can take very long. We recommend that you only turn this setting on if some monitors are no longer deployed where they should be.

  1. Open the TMAppServerHomeConf.xml file with a text editor.
    The default path for this file is C:\Program Files (x86)\Silk\Silk Performance Manager <version>/conf/appserver on the application server.
  2. Locate the <RedeployMonitors> XML tag.
  3. Set the value to true to re-deploy monitors to all execution servers when the application server service is restarted.
  4. Save and close the XML file.