Error listings offer the option of downloading .wrt files and .xlz TrueLog files. .wrt files contain information that is written with write and writeln Silk Performer script commands.
TrueLog information is tracked to support root-cause analysis of reported errors. TrueLog files can be downloaded as WinZip archives (extension .zip). "Zipped" TrueLog files are automatically extracted when opened with TrueLog Explorer and are recommended for use when limited bandwidth is an issue. You can click any monitor execution to display detailed diagrams that cover monitor-execution statistics such as page times, connection times, and handshake times. See the Working with Silk Performer section of the Introduction for details regarding TrueLog technology.
TrueLog files are only available when they are enabled in monitor settings. See Adding Monitors for details regarding enabling the writing of TrueLog files. Available TrueLog files are indicated with Download Files buttons.
To download a TrueLog file: