Installing the .NET Message Sample

Note: If you only need to test the .NET Remoting component of the message sample, skip this task and simply start the message server.
  1. Create virtual directories for the Web service, Web client, and message server hosted on IIS by performing the following steps:
    1. Open the Internet Service Manager from the Administrative Tools folder.
    2. Create three virtual directories: MessageWebService, MessageWebClient, and MessageServerIIS.
    3. Open the sample application directory and set the base directory to the MessageWebService, MessageWebClient, and MessageServerIIS directories. By default, the sample application directory is <public user documents>\Silk Performer 20.5\SampleApps\DOTNET\Message Sample.
    4. Right-click the virtual directory entry in the tree and choose Properties. The Properties window opens.
    5. Click Create to create an application for the virtual directory. If there is no Create button on the Properties page, this step has been executed automatically by IIS during the creation of the virtual directory.
    6. Repeat the preceding two steps ('d' and 'e') for both virtual directories.
  2. To ensure that the binaries of the sample application are compiled against the latest version of the .NET Framework, perform the following steps:
    1. Open the MessageLib.sln solution in the <public user documents>\Silk Performer 20.5\SampleApps\DOTNET\Message Sample\MessageLib directory.
    2. Perform either a release or debug build of the solution.
    3. Copy the output files of the MessageImpl (either debug or release) project to the MessageServerIIS\bin directory.