Setting SAPGUI Options

Silk Performer offers a tutorial that walks you through the process of testing SAPGUI applications. The tutorial is available at Start > All Programs > Silk > Silk Performer 20.5 > Documentation > Tutorials > SAP .

  1. In Silk Performer, expand the Profiles node in the Project tree.
  2. Right-click the profile that you want to configure and choose Edit Profile.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can choose Settings > Active Profile from the menu bar.

    The Profile - [<profile name>] dialog box opens, and the Replay category is displayed in the shortcut list on the left.

  3. In the shortcut list on the left, click the Record button. The Record category is displayed.
  4. In the shortcut list, click the SAPGUI icon. On the General page you can define options for how the SAP Recorder records and replays scripts.
  5. Login to SAP systems involves several user interactions. With the Script logon as a single function option enabled, the recorder only scripts one function that performs all the required login actions.
  6. Check the Script low level functions check box to use a basic set of scripting functions instead of object-specific functions.
  7. Check the Script timers check box to script timers automatically. These timers are used to measure SAP API calls.
  8. Check the Attach to existing SAP session check box to have the recorder attach to an existing session rather than create a new session.
  9. Check the Record window title verification check box to record SapGuiSetActiveWindow functions in such a way that title verifications are automatically performed on activated windows during test runs.
  10. In the shortcut list on the left, click the Replay button. The Replay category is displayed.
  11. In the Replay timeout text box, specify a timeout period (in seconds) for automatic shutdown of SAPFewgsrv (when not otherwise closed at the end of test runs).
  12. Check the Show SAPGUI during single runs check box to display the R/3 client during test runs. GUI display is only an option for Try Script executions. This setting is ignored for baseline tests and load tests.
  13. Check the Enable client-side scripting check box to enable SAP client-side scripting via the registry. This option disables warnings that raise pop-up windows when new users start.
  14. Check the Use new SAP Visual Design check box to enable SAP Visual Design for the SAP client.
  15. Click the Logging tab to specify additional log levels.
    Note: These settings affect performance and resource utilization.
  16. From the Log level list box, select a log level for virtual user logging:
    • Disable - Virtual user logging is disabled.
    • Normal - Default logging.
    • Debug - Detailed information is logged, such as additional session information and errors.
  17. Check the Capture screenshots check box to generate screenshots for each activated window.
    Note: Screenshot capture is only enabled for Try Script executions. This setting is ignored for baseline tests and load tests.
  18. Check the Capture screenshots for every action check box to have each action performed by the script documented with a screenshot.
    Note: Screenshot capture is only enabled for Try Script executions. This setting is ignored for baseline tests and load tests.
  19. Check the Log control information in TrueLog check box to have additional control information written to the TrueLog.
  20. Check the Log control information for single run in TrueLog check box to have additional control information written to the TrueLog only for try script and verification tests.
  21. Check the Log control information on error check box to enable writing of control information to TrueLogs in the case of errors.

    For large load-tests, it is also recommended that you uncheck Log control information in TrueLog and only select Log control information on error. These settings greatly improve overall performance, as not all information on each screen is logged. In the case of errors, control state is logged on the nodes that cause the errors; this allows you to troubleshoot problems, as you can see the full state of the active window.

  22. Check the Highlight controls check box to have controls highlighted as they are accessed by the script.
  23. Click the Measuring tab to specify a custom measurement level. By default, all available performance metrics are collected during test runs.
  24. Check the Enable all timers and counters for all controls check box to enable all timers and counters for all actions on controls during replay.Or, select a specific control from the Control list box and select the specific counter types that you want to have applied to that control:
    • Count round-trips - The number of round-trips for the action on the control.
    • Count response time - The time it takes a function to return requested data.
    • Count Interpretation time - The time it takes to interpret a request.
    • Count flushes - The number of flushes per action.
    Note: Alternatively, you can click the Apply to All Controls button to apply your counter settings to all controls.
  25. Click OK to save your settings.