Tracing Errors in Multiple Visual Tests

When a visual test or a VB .NET script is called from another visual test, and an error occurred during execution, the Details tab in the result of the calling visual test displays the test step in which the error occurred, as well as the test step or line of code in the respective called visual test or VB .NET script, in which the error occurred. If the calling visual test was also called by a step in another visual test, the result of the calling visual test additionally displays the step in the calling visual test and so on. To see these test steps, perform the following actions:
  1. Open the result of the visual test that was executed.
  2. Select the Details tab.
  3. Select the step in which the error has occurred.
  4. Open the Properties pane The Called From list in the Playback details section lists the step in which the error has occurred in the calling visual test and in each called visual test or test script, as well as the name of the corresponding visual test or test script.
  5. Select an asset from the list and click Open Asset to directly access the step or line in which the error occurred.


If the second step of the visual test Test1 calls the visual test Test2, and the fifth step of Test2 calls the visual test Test3, and an error occurs in the fourth step of Test3 during the execution of Test1, the result file for Test1 includes the following entries:
Called From
Test1 2
Test2 5
Test3 4