Visual tests can call and execute other visual tests and play them back. This allows a modularized approach to application
testing and provides greater control over test execution. When executing one visual test within another, it is important to
remember to keep test site integrity and ensure any test applications being tested are in the correct initial playback state.
You can use also this procedure to create a driver test.
During playback, when the above step executes, the inserted visual test plays back to completion before the next step in the
calling visual test executes. Once a visual test has been inserted into another visual test, you can configure the settings
used to play it back.
During playback, the tested applications are configured, hooked, and started when required, and remain hooked until the end
of the playback session. For example, if the calling visual test has an application configuration for Notepad, and the inserted
visual test has an application configuration for Calculator, the following happens:
- Notepad is hooked and started when the execution of the calling visual test starts.
- Calculator is hooked and started when the execution of the inserted visual test starts. Notepad remains hooked.
- Both Notepad and Calculator remain hooked when the execution of the inserted visual test stops.
- Both Notepad and Calculator get unhooked when the playback session ends, which means that the execution of the calling visual
test stops.