Silk Test Workbench identifies any control in the application under test (AUT) by combining the name of the control class and a collection of prioritized attributes into a unique XPath locator. If the combined XPath locator does not uniquely identify the control, Silk Test Workbench additionally adds an index to the locator. During recording, Silk Test Workbench allows you to select an alternative locator for a control from the list in the Locator field of the Choose Action dialog.
Within Silk Test Workbench, literal references to identified objects are referred to as locators. Silk Test Workbench uses locators to find and identify objects in the application under test (AUT). Locators are a subset of the XPath query language, which is a common XML-based language defined by the World Wide Web Consortium, W3C.
Silk Test Workbench automatically records locators when you record a visual test or script. By default, Silk Test Workbench substitutes an alias or logical name, called an object map item, instead of using the literal reference to the control or window's locator name. Visual tests and scripts reference objects based on the object map item rather than the actual locator name.
If you turn off object maps, locators are included in the visual test or script context instead of object map items.