Importing Assets

Import assets from one database to another by using the Asset Import wizard.
  1. Choose File > Import Assets. The Silk Test Workbench Asset Import wizard opens.

    To bypass the Welcome page on subsequent uses of the wizard and all other Silk Test Workbench wizards, check the check box at the bottom of the page. Checking this check box updates the Show Wizard Welcome Screens option in General options.

    You can resize the wizard by dragging the lower-right corner of any page to the desired height and width.
  2. Click Next. The Import File Name page opens.
  3. Specify the ZIP file which contains the assets that you want to import.
  4. Click Next. The Items to Import page opens.
  5. Select the items to import by performing one of the following steps:
    • To import all assets, click Import all assets.

      To import all versions of the assets, uncheck the Import only the latest version of each asset check box.

    • To import specific assets, click Import only the assets I select.

      To import specific versions for each asset, check the Show all versions of each asset check box . Then, click Next.

      Check the check boxes for the assets that you want to import.

  6. Click Next. The Select Projects page opens.
  7. Optional: Select the target project from the Target column to specify into which project the assets from a source project should be imported.
    Note: If the current user is an administrator, there is an additional entry in the Target list to create a new project into which the assets should be imported.
    A project is not included in the Target list under the following circumstances:
    • The project in the import file does not exist in the database and the current user is not an administrator
    • The current user does not have at least Executor access to the existing project.
    Note: If you are an administrator, you can select to create a new project into which the assets should be imported.
  8. Click Next. The Conflict Resolution page opens.
  9. Select the conflict resolution method for project assets in the event that the name of an imported asset conflicts with the name of an existing asset. Choices include:
    • Append imported asset as latest version of existing assetThis option creates a new version of the asset in the database. If there is more than one version of the asset being imported, the asset is imported with the lowest version first and highest version last. This means that the asset with the highest version number becomes the latest asset version in the database.
    • Prompt me to append, rename, or skip the imported assetThis is an interactive option that produces a dialog box for each conflict requesting you to either append, rename, or skip the imported asset.
    • Do not import the assetSkips the import of the asset.
  10. Select the conflict resolution method for system assets in the event that the name of an imported asset conflicts with the name of an existing asset. Choices include:
    • Prompt me to rename, or skip the imported assetThis is an interactive option that produces a dialog box for each conflict requesting you to either rename or skip the imported asset.
    • Do not import the asset – Skips the import of the asset.
  11. Click Next. The Start Importing Assets page opens.
  12. Review the summary. While the assets are being imported:
    • All projects that are listed in the ZIP file and that do not exist in the target database are created.
    • No additional project references are added for projects that already exist in the database. The summary shows such conflicts so that you can manually add references between the projects, if required.
      Note: When importing a ZIP file from a Silk Test Workbench version prior to 19.0, the references between projects are not included in the ZIP file and Silk Test Workbench adds a reference to the Common project to all newly created projects.
  13. Click Next to begin the import. The Import Progress window displays a progress bar that shows the level of completion. The Import Wizard Complete page opens after the import finishes.
  14. Optional: Click Save to save the detail report.
  15. Click Finish.
Note: When using Silk Test Workbench 18.5 or later, you cannot import assets that have been exported with a Silk Test Workbench version prior to 18.5. To import such exported assets, use the StwConvertExportedXML program from the command line to convert the assets to the required format. This program has the following arguments:
STWConvertExportedXML [-overwrite] [-?] path_to_old_export
  • path_to_old_export is the path to the file or folder that was generated by the old version of Silk Test Workbench.
  • is the path to the ZIP file into which the converted export files should be saved.
  • If -overwrite is specified, and the ZIP file exists, the program overwrites the file. If -overwrite is not specified, and the ZIP file exists, an error message is printed and the program exits.
  • -? causes help text to be shown and exits the program.
Note: When you import an asset, all historical data is replaced with information about the current import. For example, the Creator, Creation Date, Last Modified By, and Modified Dates reflect the user that performed the import and the date and times of the import.