A project is a collection of assets with assigned access privileges for each user on each project. One of your tasks as an administrator of the Silk Test Workbench environment is to maintain the list of projects. Use projects to store assets in a logical association. For example, all assets associated with a specific application or build can be stored together in a project.
Administrators can create and add projects to the Silk Test Workbench database. When creating a project, the access rights of the creator to the new project reflect the default access rights that are granted to the creator. Storing assets in separate projects provides different levels of security. For example, a user might have full access for Project1, but read-only access for Project2, and no access for Project3.
Only the assets in the projects for which the current user has access to can be viewed. Assets are viewed and managed using the Asset Browser.
The default project is the Common project, which serves as a central repository for assets used in multiple projects. Assets in the Common project are available to all other projects. The Common project is the active project by default.
Newly created assets are added to the project that is set as the Active project. Assets added to the Active project are available only in that project and in all projects that reference the Active project.