This section provides instructions for creating users and granting connection rights for users. This procedure is necessary when using either Oracle OS authentication or Oracle database authentication. Separate instructions are provided for each type of authentication.
Users must be created in such a way that Oracle knows they are authenticated via a DOMAIN controller.
When setting up users for Silk Test Workbench in Oracle, a schema must be also created to house the actual tables in addition to the remotely authenticated users. The schema is not domain authenticated, but is password authenticated. For more information, see Creating the Password Authenticated Schema.
Users must be created within a Windows NT domain. Refer to your Microsoft Windows documentation for more information about using a Windows domain.
Users must be added to the ORA_DBA group. Use SQL*Plus or SQL*Plus Worksheet to create users. If you are not familiar with SQL*Plus, consult your Oracle documentation.
The user performing these steps must be a member of the ORA_DBA group and have SYSDBA privileges. To specify users that can access the Oracle database:
SQL> create user "NT-DOMAIN\JEFF" IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY; SQL> grant connect, resource to "NT-DOMAIN\JEFF";
SQL> grant select any sequence to "JEFF"; SQL> grant select_catalog_role to "JEFF";Microsoft operating systems return the DOMAIN\USERNAME when the user is queried. If this does not match what is defined in the database, NT authentication will fail with ORA-1017.
Use SQL*Plus to create users. If you are not familiar with SQL*Plus, consult your Oracle documentation. The user performing these steps must be a member of the ORA_DBA group and have SYSDBA privileges.
To specify users that can access the Oracle database:
SQL> create user "JEFF" IDENTIFIED BY "ORACLEPASSWORD"; SQL> grant connect, resource to "JEFF";
SQL> grant select any sequence to "JEFF"; SQL> grant select_catalog_role to "JEFF"; SQL> grant select any dictionary to "JEFF";