Step Status Types

Silk Test Workbench assigns a status for each step in a result based on the performance of the step during playback. The status of a step is displayed in the Result column of the Test Steps pane and the step text is colored according to its status type.

Step Status Types

Status types for steps in a result include:
Type Description

A step is assigned a Passed status when a verification step meets the criteria defined by the verification logic of the given step.

Steps assigned this status type appear in the Passed and Details tab of a result. Passed appears in the Result column and the step text color is green.


A step is assigned a Failed status when a verification step fails to meet the criteria defined by the verification logic of the given step.

Steps assigned this status type appear in the Failed and Details tab of a result. Failed appears in the Result column and the step text color is red.

Playback Error

A step with a Playback Error status is a step that does not perform successfully. Examples include the following:

  • Steps that reference a column in an ActiveData file that does not exist
  • Steps that reference a local variable that does not exist
  • Steps that run a timer that has not yet been started

Playback Error appears in the Result column and the step text color is blue.

Error Screen

A step that appears after a step with Playback Error status. A step with Error Screen status displays the screen of the test application as it appeared when the test incurred a playback error.

Error Screen appears in the Result column and the step text color is blue.

Note: This step type is not applicable to test scripts.
Step Performed Successfully

Any step (other than a verification step) that performs successfully.

The Result column is empty and the step text color is black.

For more information about the run status of a result, see Run Status Types.